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~I own none of the cast or the original storyline btw, but this story line is mine .  If I did Barry  would have been with Caitilin from day 1, not Iris. But I do still love Candice Patton. she's is an amazing actress~

enjoy x


Iris's POV
I knew as soon as I saw Mr Queen he was amazing in bed, and now I know I was right. He was unbelievable, Barry is ok don't get me wrong, but Oliver really knows how to impress a lady!
"we shouldn't have done this, Barry doesn't deserve this" Oliver says
grabbing his stuff from around the highly priced room, we made quite a mess last night, preparing to leave.
"why? He never shows me any love or affection, I'm invisible to him" I say with venom in my words. I then add,
"He doesn't have to know Olly?" I say seductively.
"Barry adores you Iris and if you can't see that then you don't deserve him" Oliver shoots back.
"Barry ignores me, and I'm sick of it. If he won't show me any attention I will get it else where" I spit back.
Oliver turns shocked by my statement,
"Wow Iris, Felicity warned me about you, she said and I quote,"don't get involved with Iris West she seems all good and caring but there is something off about her and it's not her fake designer clothing" but I refused to listen. But as always Felicity was right!Barry deserves better than me and defiantly you" Oliver says with hate laced in his tone.
"My clothes are not fake, Felicity is just jealous of me because.... erm, she just is. clearly she is threatened by my talent" I say confidently.
"what talent Iris, you work at a coffee shop and write a blog" Oliver says before slipping on his hoodie and walking towards the mahogany door, he grabs the handle but before leaving he turns to me and says," btw, one I have had better and two the room is in your name so you have to pay for it and three Felicity has masters in computer science and can hack into any security system in under a minute what qualifications and talents do you have?" and with that he leaves.
"Son of a bitch!"I scream even though I know he is out of ear shot.
'I'm talented' I think to myself, I grab a quick shower in the en suite bathroom, pay the bill and head home to my dull 'boyfriend'. The whole time remembering my night with the Arrow.

Oliver's POV
I have to tell Barry I can't lie to him, he is my family. Not biologically but our bond runs deeper than blood and genetics.
It was these thoughts that took me from the hotel room to the West household, I pressed the door bell and within milliseconds Barry opened the door.
"Hey Oliver what a surprise, please come in" He greets me politely and invites me into his home. Soon he will be chucking me out of it I'm sure. Let's be honest here, Barry could kill me if he wanted to and I wouldn't be able to stop him.
"what's up Olly? Do you need help with a meta human or something?" he asks with a concerend look on his face.
oh I wish I didn't have to do this.
It is gonna' crush him.
But I can't lie to him either.
"Barry,... erm.... I, God this is so hard, I have done something terrible and it involves you and I have to tell you otherwise I won't be able to live with myself and I totally understand if you never want to see me again after i tell you this ok" I say quickly but honesly.
"what are you talking about, how does it involve me?" he asks his voice filled with concern and confusion.
"Barry, I am so sorry! I really am, I shouldn't have done this to you.....we shh-shouldn't have" I stutter out
"what are you talking about Olly, what have you done?"he asks taking a step towards me.
Tears fill up in my eyes out of guilt and self disgust for what I am about to put him through.
"I.... I slept with,... I slept with Iris Barry, I slept with your girlfriend" I say as I fall to the ground and break down in front of my soon to be ex bestfriend/ former brother.

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