10-part 2

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Iris POV

"Move so I can go get Barry!". I  yell while walking right into her door way.

"You aren't getting near Barry" she says while looking me dead in the eye.

I start to challenge her. "Oh reall...."

"Really" How dare she cut me off!

"And how do you expect to stop me Caitlin, I've been professionally trained to fight by a cop. what do you think you can do to stop me seeing him".

Caitlin  steps closer to me and raises her hand Slowly as if to slap me. But I know she wouldn't, she's too passive.

"You wanna see what I can do Iris?".

I raise my eye brows mockingly, taunting her to do it.



I stand outside Caitlin's door, my nose dripping with blood.

I should leave, go and sort out my possibly broken nose. But I'm angry, actually I'm beyond angry. I'm furious.

I grab the door handle, twist and storm inside the bitches apartment.

She had brought this on herself when she decided to keep what's mine from me.

I can hear their conversation from where I am stood.

....and don't you ever forget it".

I walk into the room.

"But dead people don't have memories!".

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