Chapter 4

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it was 5:45 so I decided to get ready to go to Jack's house since I was supposed to be there at 6:00.

so after getting ready I got my keys and drove over to Jack's house, once I got there Jack's mom ran out to greet me

"Jenny I haven't seen you in so long!!!" she said giving me a big bear hug

"Hi Mrs. Johnson its nice to see you again!"

"I suppose you're looking for jack?"

"haha yeah where is he?" I asked as she walked me in their house

"oh he's downstairs like always!"

"okay thanks"

I started walking down the stairs to the basement where jack was sitting there playing Xbox and seemed really into it

about every 10 seconds he would say


and then he stood up to celebrate his victory and then noticed that I was there

"oh hey I didn't realize you were here..."

"I've only been here long enough to see your victory dance haha"

"oh shut up you have stupid dances too!!!"

"but not like that hahaha"

"oh 'haha' now what did you want to talk about?"

"well I wanted to talk about what happened last summer. "

"oh well then lets talk"

he motioned over to his bed which was the only place you could sit in his basement

I dont think i ever told anyone this but I've always kinda had a thing for him....I mean he was just amazing in almost every way but he's with Sarah now

and there is no way in hell he would go out with me.

we sat on his bed just talking about the school year and stuff like that when his best friend Jack Gilinsky walked into his basement.

"oh heyyy am I interrupting anything"

"um no Jenny and I were just talking"

"suuure you were"

"shut up Gilinsky"

"oh well then"

" yeah but what do you want"

"I wanted to see if you guys knew about what happened to katie?"

jack looked down for a minute like he was about to cry.

I guess what happened really did effect him.

everyone knew she got hurt but no one knows the real one lived it with us.

"hey hold on guys im gonna go upstairs"

Gilinsky's P.O.V

I've never seen jack like that about anything or anyone

like I knew him and Katie were good friends but not like him and Jenny.

"Jenn whats wrong with him?"

"something happened last summer. something bad...and jack, Kaitlyn and I were all involved"

(Kaitlyn's her full name)

"whats so bad that jack couldn't tell me"

"he caused it...."

"caused what Jenn"

"nothing okay I have to go bye"

she picked up her bag and phone and left and just like that she was gone.

I hope she knows how long Jack's loved her.


Okay so I hope you guys like it even though I have like 3 people reading it

but yeah

ill update probably like tomorrow or something because I have no like






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