Coach Takamori

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It was just an ordinary practise day for the tennis camp U-17, until a nice looking car pulled up in fron of the grounds and caused everyone on that court to freeze. They watched a young looking woman no older than her mid 20's walk to the administration building where the men running this camp was held. 

"Who is that?" Jujiro asked his friend.

"I've never seen her before." Kazuya replied. "Stay here and keep them busy, I'm going to get information." Kazuya then followed his way to the head courters. 

"What can I do for you, Miss Takamori?" Coach Kurobe asked in a smirk.Without saying anything, she slammed down a packet of papers right in front of him. "What the hell is this?" 

"A contract from the Board of Admissions stating that I am fully permitted to host a cheer camp for my girls here at this estate."

The three of the men were lost for words. "Oh no, we aren't being kicked out for cheerleaders."

"You misunderstood, we aren't kicking you out, we are simply...splitting the court as you would say. There will be fences all along the perimeter so distractions are made. I know you want the best players on your court like I want the best girls on my field." 

"What about the sleeping arrangements? I'm entirely sure you aren't going to practise for one day." Saito stated politely. 

"I'm glad you asked, the board is constructing a boy and girl dorm. Boys at the top floor, girls at the bottom floor neither of them going into each others dorm." She smiled broadly. "All of the necessary concerns are in that contract."

"And if we rip this contract up and tell you to go to hell?" Tsuge asked with clenched teeth.

"Then, I will contact the baord and they will kick you and your teams out indefinitely and we will move in. This is a chance where we can learn to share gentlemen." The three coaches remained silent before it was Kurobe who spoke up first.

"Fine, when are you moving in?"

"Tomorrow morning to be exact. That's when cheer camp starts for the season." Kurobe grabbed a pen and signed before handing the documents back to her. "Thank you, great doing business with you." She turned and walked out of the office passing Kazuya who scooted over even more so to not be seen, before rushing out to tell the news to his buddies.

"So, what happened? Who was she?" Jujiro asked him. Eiji and Kintaro listening closely but not in an obvious manner. 

"The Board of Admissions has split the whole place with a cheerleading camp." Kazuya stated with unease. 

"There's going to be cheerleaders here?!" Jujiro almost shouted out loud if Kazuya hadn't clamped his mouth shut. 

"Yes, and they are coming tomorrow morning. We will be eating with them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Keep this quiet, do you understand?" Kazuya ordered as he went back to the courts. 

Eiji and Kontaro couldn't believe what they had just heard. There was going to be girls in this camp too! They immediately rushed to the other players.

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