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"Hey, Kikumaru, you can't call the shots like that! I was gonna have her face me!" Kintaro jumped up afterwards and glared at his rival. 

"Well, it wouldn't be fair to go against her together." Eiji said in confusion. 

"I'll be her partner." Shima stood up and grabbed her hand in reassurance and led her to the courts, grabbing a racket and stared at it for a long moment as a dark memory passed her before snapping out of it by her sister's hand on her shoulder. 

"W-we dont have to play, Shima." She said in barely a whisper. 

Shima gulped and closed her eyes. "That was a long time, Hana. Let's take a trip down to memory lane before that incident happened." She handed Hana the racket and as Hana hesitantly gripped it with a shaky hand, she immediately dropped it right after. 

"I-I can't...I-I'm sorry...I..have to go." She ran out of the courts with tears in her eyes and Kaidoh had the urge to chase after to see if she was alright until Shima beat him to it, running after her out of the courts. 

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Yura spoke through the silence and everyone looked at her at that instant. "I've never seen anyone freak out over a tennis racket." Niou sat next to her. 

"I say, it was all your fault for bringing them here in the first place. That's karma for ya, dollface." He smirked. 

She rolled her eyes at him before glaring daggers in his direction. "I didnt force them to come with me, Jackass, they decided all their own and dont ever call me dollface again before I kick your eyes right out of your sockets."

"Ooo, I like them fiesty. Makes it more fun." Niou teased.

"Hate to break it to you, I dont consider jackasses datable." She got up and fled out of the courts to check on her friends.

Niou smirked as he watched her leave. "Seems she's not so bad after all." 


The next day, the cheerleaders were out on the field. 

"Ugh, this blows! We barely got to play one single game yesterday and now they are the only ones who are allowed outside...why do you think that is?" Kintaro asked. 

"Because they want to keep the opposite sex seperate so it doesn't cause...distractions." Shiraishi answered as he sipped his tea. Kintaro looked from the window at him. 

"What distractions? I really dont get it." At that the boys snickered. 

"You're too innocent for your own good. Haven't your parents ever spoke to you about the birds and the bees?" Marui asked as he popped his gum. 

"Huh? No? What is that?"

"A topic that should not be brought up, thank you." Tezuka stated as he continued to read his book. 

"Awe, come on, Tezuka dont be such a prude. Especially after the look you gave that girl after she told you, you could watch her 'practice'." Aidou said with a smirk. Tezuka tried his hardest to push that comment in the back of his mind, but failed as he began to tighten his jaw again. Aidou chuckled, "and besides, being attracted to a female physically is a part of nature hence why GOD made Adam and Eve."

"I dont need a bible lesson and the facts of life. This type of topic is distracting me from my studies so I would appreciate if you would kindly shut up." Tezuka glared at him. 

As the two began to bicker and the rest putting in their two cents in, Kaidoh remained quiet and stared at the window at the dancing girls below. Worried about a certain blond he began to trace the dancers with his eyes, seeing if he could spot her. Alas, she was nowhere to be found. 

"Kaidoh? Are you alright?" Oishi sat next to him and looked down with him to see if he could spot a visual of what Kaidoh was gawking at. "You seem more distant than usual."

"Why did she drop the racket like that? What her so freaked?" He asked more to himself than to his teammate. Before Oishi could answer, Kaidoh shot up and began to head for the door without anyone stopping him. 


"Yura, can you come here for a moment?" Kireko called out as she took notes in her clipboard as Yura jogged to her captain, she was suddenly stopped by a tight grip on her shoulder and a haunting smile as her face got closer. Yura sweat dropped as her smile got more sinister. "Yura, why were you hanging out in the courts while the boys were practicing?" 

Yura took in a sharp breath. "How in the hell did you know-"

"I know you and knowing you for so long, I know how you think, what you do and how you make disicions and most of the time, those decisions are very wrong." 

"Well, I wasn't the only one who went with me. Shima and Hana wanted to tag along too." Yura blurted. 

Kireko chuckled. "Typical Yura, always throwing friends under the bus when trying to save herself...well, time for 20 laps and 10 hurkies for all three of you. Go get accomplices and get started." Yura sighed in aggravation before fetching her other friends.

Kaidoh walked around the camp when he stopped suddenly at the sight of the three girls that he met the day before, stretching for something he wasn't quite sure of. Once he saw there was no one around to catch him, he decided to take a risk and began sprinting over to them, catching them off guard. 

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"Ha, I knew those stupid rules couldn't keep us from not wanting us to get involved with each other. Careful though, we got caught and now we are paying a huge price for it. What do you want to do first, the hurkies or the run?" 

"Hurkies hurt more so I want to do them to get them out of the way." Shima answered as she stood from her spot. 

Hana looked at Kaidoh who was staring at her in complete awe. "I-if you don't mind, I want to run before the other." Before either of them had a chance to answer, Hana began walking with Kaidoh on her heels. 

Shima glared at Kaidoh in distrust. "What does he want with Hana?" 

"Relax, let her mingle. She's not a kid anymore, Shima." Yura giggled at her friends behavior, but Shima wasn't so sure. 

"I really didn't mean to make it seem I was following you or anything." Kaidoh stated nervously. 

"It's alright. I'm Hana by the way. What's you name ?" 


She gave him the biggest and cutest smile he had ever seen in his life. "It's very nice to meet you, K-Kaidoh." 

"Yeah, y-you too. U-um there was a reason I wanted to approach you...it's about yesterday...wanted to know...if you were...alright." He chose his words carefully, trying not to sound like a desperate stalker who wanted to know her business. 

"Oh yes, I'm alright...I-I'm sorry you had to see that...t-tennis just brings up bad memories." Her head fell to the ground and her expression turned sad making his heart break a little for her at the same time wanting to understand what caused her pretty smile to disappear, but before he had the chance to ask, they both heard her name being called by Kireko. "Quick, before you get caught."

"When can I see you again?" She blushed at his words. 

"T-tonight, by the dorms, under the old oak tree. I-I'll sneak out and wait for you there." Hana stuttered frantically, her shyness getting the best of her. 

Kaidoh smiled. "I'll meet you there after the sun sets." He then took off running before Kireko had a chance to see him excited to await the chance for alone time to share with her.

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