Chapter 5: Ocean Began Takeover of Land

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Chapter 5: Ocean Began Takeover of Land

As the Garisen Family walks out the door, Riley forgets her bunny who she could never live without and she yells,"Oh, shoot," and runs back into the house to get it. She grabs the pink bunny with black buttons for eyes, a red belly, green palms, and a lane on the back of his head saying 'Big bunny'.

She ran quickly out of the door as if she was late to school.

They began running down the sidewalk, jumped off the curb, and ran across the street as fast as they could.

The water was getting closer and closer and closer and 'BOOM'!

It hit them hard.

They were under water screaming and wishing they weren't going to drown to death.

Riley could only save 2 people.

Amarald and Samantha.

She went down deeper under water and took Amarald out of the dad's hands and Samantha out of the moms hands.

The mom and dad were screaming for there lives, but then the mom had had enough and died.

The dad was trying to be strong, but he saw his wife die so he let go too!

Riley, Amarald, and Samantha were swimming up.

Trying to make it to the top.

They were struggling, but they made it up to get air.

They were breathing heavily.

They had things in their bags that would possibly help them survive.

They took a rope and a chord out of Samantha's backpack.

The water hadn't reached the building yet, so they swam about 4 miles to the tallest building.

They were running for there lives!!!

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