A Criminal

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Hyemi opened her eyes slowly. She looked around and let a scoff when she noticed where she was.

"They really threw me out... I did not mean what I said though. Tsk, the bed was foisted with cockroaches anyway. Not to mention the gay night whores. Huh, and they say Gangnam is the richest place in the whole country." She scoffed, referring to the old owners of the old- better to say ancient- edifice that she lived in. 

Yesterday, she shouted at their faces, saying that they could throw her out whenever they wanted, because she wasn't going to give them any money. Who would believe she was living in Gangnam, the fancy and rich area of south Korea?

Yes, she was living in Gangnam; in the poorest neighbourhood of it. It was common to see people sleeping on the streets, so no one gave her looks. 

The whole neighbourhood was full of gangsters and criminals and she was no exception. Actually, there was no one who wasn't a criminal, including her.

She was the worst of all. 

Why? No one would ever expect a beauty like her to be a criminal. What she hid behind that mask was unknown to anybody. Nobody knew and lived.

What everyone agreed to was that she had no family, no friends and no people to trust. She didn't think she needed any.

Like the other underage people, she was forced to go to school. Yes, there was a school in the poorest neighbourhood of Gangnam. 

The government saw that there was no choice but to do so. The kids were addicted to drugs, smokers, thieves, whores and whatsoever. 

When the people who were underage (in her neighborhood that was under 24) heard about the school, they rejected the idea. Some ran away and some hit the officer, but they were pulled by the hair to the school. 

As for Hyemi, she managed to run for a year; disguising as an old woman. But they caught her and she was forced to go to school. Her crime was not paying off her debt.

Normally, she would reject but in her situation, she needed a place to stay. The school provided dorms so it was the perfect place for staying. As usual she had no choice. 

She walked, walked and walked until her eyes fell on the newest building in the neighborhood; the school.

The gates were huge and green and the walls were totally clean. There were guards to protect the wall alone. 

'I bet there are millions in there,' Hyemi thought. She walked until she was in front of the main guard. 

"Go Hyemi, 18. My code is 965 and I'm called the cutthroat." She said in one breath. Giving information you were given was the most important thing in that school. She had memorized the information on the card she was given once she was caught.

The guard stepped aside and Hyemi went in. "Gangnam 002 school? Tsk, isn't it a reforming prison?" She scoffed upon seeing the guards all around. 

However she didn't want people to know her real self. She needed to keep that aside. She needed to hide that or else, her suffering and sacrifices will go for nothing.

She took a deep breath and smiled as she went inside the building, ignoring the looks people were giving. 

She walked randomly through the halls until she arrived to a very beautiful black door. She smiled more and tidied herself. 

I ought to get trust, she thought. 

She cleared her throat and softly knocked the door. "Hello." She smiled at the person her eyes fell on. She scoffed mentally when she saw that he was an elderly. 

He laughed and nodded, "You're the first kid to greet me. Nice to meet you. The name is?" He said weakly. 

"Oh I'm sorry. My name is Go Hyemi and I'm 18. Please take care of me." She bowed politely. 

The principal laughed softly before he nodded, "Yeah... I see some hope out there..." Hyemi almost burst of laughing. 

Her? Hope? Well, if there was hope in first place she'd crush it to pieces. 

"Where is my room?" She asked politely. "Because you're the only polite girl in this school, I'll give you a nice one that nobody would share with you." 

Hyemi smiled softly and bowed, "I thank your respect." Actually, she was dancing in her head. 

She didn't want anyone in her room and that's what she got. 

"Now excuse me. Oh, how can I get to this room?" She asked. "Oh, just walk straight when you get out of here and you'll find an elevator. Go to the second floor and search of your room. You'll see your number on the door." He smiled, making the wrinkles show more. 

Hyemi frowned in disgust as she spotted a paper with her picture on his desk. He knew who she was, yet she had to introduce herself.

She faked another smile and bowed her head before she got out of his office. Once she closed the door behind her, she spat on the ground. 

Too bad it didn't even reach the ground. It landed on someone's shoe directly. The noise in the halls died completely and Hyemi realized at once that those shoes belonged to a gang leader. 

Gang leaders were like gods in her neighborhood. The stupid teenagers made the strongest one in their group the leader. 

He would be followed by all of his gang and the gang which has the biggest number of members and a strong leader would lead the school. 

Hyemi rolled her eyes when she remembered that and took her way to the elevator. "Yah!" The leader grasped her wrist harshly and she flipped him over in a blink of an eye. 

Everyone gasped loudly except her; who dusted her hands furiously.

"Don't touch me, you filthy piece of trash." She glared at him before she walked to the elevator. 

Everyone who was in her way moved and made her a space. Words got stuck in their throats when the strongest person among them got beaten by a girl, not to mention he was thrice her size.

Once she got inside the elevator, she was greeted by a very displeasing scene. Two teenagers were making out so openly in the elevator. 

However, she shrugged and pressed the button that went to the second floor. The teenagers who expected another reaction were dumbfounded that she ignored them.

They didn't like that at all. 

"Yah. For your information, we're siblings." He snapped. "So?" Hyemi replied, not bothering to look at him. The teenagers shivered and quickly dressed up. 

Her reaction made them feel something different.

Ashamed of themselves. 

Before they could say a thing, Hyemi got out of the elevator because it stopped already. 

She didn't even look back and went searching for her room 965. When she caught the sight of it, she quickly ran and opened it with her keys. 

She surprisingly found someone there. "Oh hi... I'm sorry but those stupid guards have been chasing me around. Seriously, what's wrong with selling body parts to other people to eat? I threw them some cash in there!"

Hyemi narrowed her eyes when she saw him holding a frozen human arm. "Oh, how rude of me... I forgot to introduce myself. Call me L.Joe!" 

Hyemi waited no more and threw her knife at him. It hit him directly in the arm but he didn't yell in pain.

Actually, he burst of laughing.

"I'm a criminal, kitty. Something like that is just a kid game for me."

Hyemi raised an eyebrow. People here aren't all boring after all, she thought. 

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