Chapter #12

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I froze and my breath was caught in my throat, as I felt my heartbeat in my ears.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"What's... that...?" He repeated once more, through gritted teeth as he looked at my neck murderously.

My body grew hot; I pushed myself away from under him, scared of what he'll do. He watched me intensely, and when he realized that I had crawled to the edge of the bed, he grabbed my ankles making me yelp as he yanked me back under him.

"Heather!" He roared at such close proximity to my face, and I flinched, "What... happened?!" He seethed.

He'd never raised his voice at me except for the time I was at his house, but I didn't think he'd do it again.

"I—It's nothing..." I stuttered.

His breathing grew more labored as more time passed between us, and his dominant pose over me had my muscles bundled tightly in anticipation of what he might do.

"It can't be nothing, because you have a fucking huge hickey on your neck!" He yelled, standing up as he paced around my room, fuming as he walked back and forth, "First you push me away, then, you ignore me at school, and now you're keeping secrets from me?" He asked in disbelief. I was about to speak, but he beat me to it, "Did-"

I looked at him in sheer fear. I was speechless, and afraid that he would yell at me the moment I tried to speak.

"Ethan..." I said quietly as I walked over to him cautiously, "It's fine..." I tried placing my palm on his face, but he slapped it away, "Wha—"

"Stop." He said darkly.

I frowned. "Stop what, I'm just trying t—"

He cut me off, yelling, "You're not helping!"

I flinched, and swallowed the lump in my throat to the best of my ability... So what do you want me to do? And then I frowned, because something felt wrong.

Why am I apologizing? I asked myself, I didn't do anything! It was David!

"It wa—"

"Shut up." He said authoritatively.

"Fuck. You." I said through gritted teeth.

"What did you just say to me?" He turned his head back at me, watching me like a hawk.

"Fuck you." I spat at him, I was furious, he didn't even want to hear me out!

"I swear to God, if you don't take that ba—"

"Dinner tiiime!" Amy yelled from down the hallway.

Ethan sighed, looking at the floor of my bedroom. I watched his jaw tick. I ended up smirking, my whole mood changed.

"Dinner time." I said smugly.

I walked past him, purposely brushing my front against him as I slipped out of my room through the crack of my door. I looked back as I walked down the dark hallway of my house. Snickering, I went down to the dining room and sat at my usual seat as I pretended all was fine. My dad started eating and as my siblings served themselves, my mom asked me if Ethan would be eating.

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah, he is." I answered, as I busied myself by pouring myself a glass of water.

I heard Ethan come in and my dad looked up from his place, "Ethan!" He greeted.

"Hello Mr. Dean." He smiled, "How are you?"

"Good, good. You?" My dad asked as he looked at his food and started cutting the meat he had served himself.

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