Spider man?!

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Hey guys. Thanks for almost 1K reads. It means a lot to me. This will be a crossover between our two un-closeted boys and manhattans/queens friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. This is not proof read so many misspellings and uncapitalized I's. Also " and ' are the same in most context. It just depended on what I pressed. 😂 thanks for putting up with my laziness. Enjoy  🐼

As the sun set over New York, Spider-Man sat atop a random city apartment eating a sandwich he had gotten from Delmars. As he finished the sandwich and pulled the mask down below his mouth again, he got a text.
From Sherwin
Hey I guess you forgot about our study date, but it's ok. I just hope we both do well on the test tomorrow.
'Crap' he thought. 'I forgot about sherwin, I owe him big time'. With a regretful feeling, he webbed his way back towards his aunt's apartment. Not before he sent a text to him though,
from jonathan
Im sooooo sorry I totally forgot about our study date. aunt Cass needed help and i lost track of time. If you want i can meet you early at school or i can take you out after. Is that ok with you?
The next morning both boys woke up with a sense of dread looming over them. Sherwin was becoming worried about his relationship with Jonathan. He had missed several of his dates and always came into school late, so they could never talk.
Jonathan felt bad that he had missed so many dates and wondered what he did to deserve such a loving boyfriend. He was sure he was going to make it up to sherwin for missing their study date. He even woke up early so he could talk and try to explain why he missed. Both boys walked out of their homes and towards their bus respected bus stops.
When at school, Johnathan went to look for sherwin near his locker, but he wasn't there, so he went to the library. Sure enough he was there, studying for the science test that was going to happen after the first bell rang.
'Sherwin', he said sitting down next to him,'im so sorry that i forgot. '
'Yeah i saw your text' sherwin whispered.
'Do you want to study together now? I can help yo-'
'I just want to be alone right now. Is that ok?" Jonathan was taken back for a second but then answered, 'yeah sure. Whatever you say shew, I'll see you in class' Jonathan said as he walked away slowly from the table. He hadn't noticed it before, but there was evidence of tears on Sherwin's cheeks.
Near his locker, he saw two figures eating for him. "MJ, Ned, how have you guys been?"
"Um..." they trailed off
"What's wrong?"
"You really hurt Sherwin, he called me crying and I had to go over to his house to comfort him. He thinks your cheating on him. You seriously need to fix something."
Jonathan stood dumbfounded; he didn't know he had hurt Sherwin, and to that extent.
"I know I've really messed up, and I went to retry and fix it this morning, but Sherwin wanted Space. And I'll respect that. But I'll Fix this. I promise .'
MJ stood there with her arms crossed and eyes glaring." You better. He thinks it's his fault for crine out loud! Boys and there..." her voice got quieter and she walked off.
"Man I don't want us to be fighting bro, Judy make sure things turn out right spi.."
"Shut up man," Jonathan said elbowing Ned.
Sherwin tried to avoid Jonathan, but failed miserably. After science, Jonathan had taken Sherwin hostage and dragged him along to their next class.
"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be, but I want to fix it, fix us. MJ told me you think I'm cheating on you. You know I would never do that right?"
Sherwin just looked down and whispered no. "I know you would never, but why do you keep avoiding me? The last 4 dates have been ones to make up our anniversary date, but you've skipped out last minute on all of them. Is it me? Did I do something becau-"
Jonathan pulled Sherwin into a hug and kissed his temple "don't ever blame yourself for my mistakes. None of this is your fault and I'm sorry I made you feel this way"
The rest of the walk to class was silent, but calming. Both boys were now much better than they were this morning. And with the bell signaling everyone for lunch, the halls grew louder.
"Do you want to go out or stay here?"
"Let's go out."
Both boys walked out of school and down to delmars. With sandwiches in their hands, they walked to the nearby" park" to eat.
"Hey Sherwin"
"Yeah Jonathan"
"I'm really sorry. And I want to make it up to you. I know it's early and this isn't extravagant but would you go to homecoming with me?"
"Yes! Oh my gosh! Of course"
Little did both boys know that the dance would be interrupted by some unexpected guests.

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