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Terri's POV

     It was a horrifying moment in time. Terri couldn’t even begin to comprehend how she came to be in such a dangerous situation, maybe it was because she was barely clinging on to consciousness. It had been a semi-busy day in her small town as people prepared for yet another nasty storm; however, the sudden change in weather was not as minor as everyone thought it to be. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

     When Terri had been walking home, the sky had already darkened into heavy navy blue causing her feet to instinctively quicken their pace. Terri had never been fond of storms, but she wasn’t new to them. Her somewhat nervous emotion towards the now nearly black sky only grew as rain began to plummet towards the ground leaving stinging sensations with every hit. Given that Terri was still at least five minutes from the safety of her cottage, this caused her to start sprinting towards her wanted destination. Rain began to blur her vision as Terri continued her fast venture home; deafening sounds of crashing waves only encouraged Terri to run faster, but she stopped when she heard faint cries in the midst of the chaos.

     Wind whistled and whipped across her face as she turned to find what she assumed was the mother of a little girl reaching out to her daughter who was clinging onto the edge of a wooden dock. "Must have gotten knocked back by the wind." Terri thought to herself. The child was already up to her neck in the freezing water as hot tears covered her chubby cheeks while she gripped onto the wooden poles of the nearly obliterated dock for dear life.

     Terri watched as each time the woman tried to go near her daughter another massive wave would slam into the dock forcing her to move back so she wouldn’t become swept away as well. As Terri drew closer and tried to formulate how she could possibly help, another wave had surged onto the dock, making the small girl loose her grip and instantly be carried out into the ocean.

     Before the mother could even react, Terri was already in the water having jumped off the dock out of pure instinct. Then, with adrenaline filled limbs, Terri swam straight towards the faint sight of the girls barely floating head above the water. Just as Terri had managed to grab the now limp body of the child, a hulking wave was already beginning to form in the distance. Without hesitation Terri began to kick furiously back towards land, her body already starting to grow heavy and numb from the water’s temperature. The lurking wave continued to grow mercilessly behind her right as she approached the drenched, outreached hand of the mother who had been fearfully watching the scene unfold.

     Terri was mere feet away when she began to feel the powerful pull of the now curling crest of the wave. Knowing she wouldn't be able make it in time, Terri used the last bit of her strength to slip her hands under the tiny daughter’s legs and push her straight into the mother’s trembling arms.  As soon as the child reached her guardians hands, the monstrous wave hungrily smashed headfirst onto Terri’s now exhausted body. Leaving her barely conscious enough to watch herself drift further and further from the security of the shore.      

Aquamarine (Aquaman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now