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Author's Note: Sorry it took so long, but here it is. This one is as well short and sweet. Hope you enjoy and the next chapter will come soon. Thank you.

Terri’s POV

     Terri’s entire body was trembling. Whether if it was with cold, pain, or fear, she wasn’t sure, but each answer seemed correct. It hadn’t been long after being hit full on by the wave she had saved the young child from, when Terri was knocked back under the waters surface yet again by several other massive crests that had followed suit.

     Each blow caused various bruises to patch Terri’s light skin while her body was brutally scraped against the gritty sand banks. Minutes felt like hours as Terri desperately tried to stay above water. Adrenaline had long left her small frame and it was becoming harder to move in the frigid temperature. Saltwater stung Terri’s eyes as she searched for anything that could help her situation only to be met with an unforgiving open sea.

     Before another moment could pass, a wall of water began to rise up once again in the distance filling Terri with dread of what was to come next. The storm was still far from over, but Terri wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Or, more accurately, how much more she wanted to take. Exhaustion flowed through her body freely as she grew feverishly dizzy and her vision became speckled with black dots. Just as the tower of water familiarly began to crest over, unconsciousness slipped over Terri with a darkness that she welcomed with open arms.

Aquamarine (Aquaman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now