⏸aftermath 1.0

18 2 2


I suck at this game, I thought as I shoved my phone back into my cosy, black coat pocket. Coincidentally, my necessary bus had just arrived at the bus stop I was waiting at; I strode briskly towards the driver controlled front door, and entered.

There were no spare seats; the amount of human life cramped onto one single deck bus threatened to cause claustrophobia. I had no personal space at all. I could only hold onto my life by a metal, yellow handrail that contrasted with the lifeless colour scheme of the strangers around me. Every so often, I'd have to tighten my grip on the pole because of the harsh stops the arguably reckless driver produced. You're responsible for every single person's life here and you're doing that?

At one stop, those blocking the entrance to the back/exit door had to press against each other, making way for a few people who had to get off. One of those people was a young woman who had sat down(unnecessarily) in a priority seat. Once I saw the seat that used to be occupied go vacant, I immediately swooped down and sat on it. I'm being a hypocrite but oh well.

Now sitting next to an elderly woman, (big coat, white curls and more)I regretted it. She looks like those who make conversations with strangers...

"Feeling lucky you got a seat?"

And I was correct.

We had an undesired, typical conversation that you'd expect; talking about things that went on around us(in this case, how full the bus was), my school and other stuff. Midway, it was interrupted by a quiet buzzing, which I knew was my phone, but knowing my much loved mother had already called to find out where I was, I figured it was just a friend. Out of manners, I let the phone buzz on until it stopped. I can't just stop a small talk because of a friend, it's kinda rude, even if I despise talking with strangers.

After a few moments, I caught sight of my stop through the window; a canopy-ish roof that contained a red plastic bench- it was curved so unfortunately the youngers would keep slipping off. Before I missed it, I murmured a quick 'I'm getting off here' to the feeble lady beside me whilst I practically punched the red stop button on a near by yellow pole. Due to the fact that I never wanted the conversation to be initiated in the first place, I didn't wait for the latter's reply.

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Giving up on the second maths homework question(trigonometry was seriously the worst), I stretched for my phone on the bedside table. I was known by my friends and teachers as one who gave up pretty easily, and tonight was a prime example of that.


This hw is seriously bumming me out

What hw?

Maths hw

We got maths hw??

Ffs june 😂😂

Check ur bag again


Yh iy aint there


Ah jeez

Can i copy urs -^-

Onto what? Ur hand

No plain paper dUH

And no

Im gonna be a responsible friend and imma give u the questions for u to do

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