[Jinsook x Chan]

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Jinsook's pov (Yeoreum)

"Stop it!" I shouted

"But you guys are so cute!" Bona said

"What's going on here?" Jooheon asked

Lee Jooheon is my second older brother.

"Maybe you should ask your sister..." Bona said

I looked down.

"What's going on, sis?" he asked

"Nothing..." I said

"A boy asked her out..." Bona said and coughed.

I looked at her.

"That's cute...what did you say to him?" Jooheon asked

"Nothing..." I said

"She froze up and ran..." Bona said and giggled.

"Alright...Bona, don't you have to go to your boyfriend?" Jooheon said

"I don't even have a boyfriend..." Bona said

"Really? Then who's JoshJosh?" Jooheon asked and held up her phone.

"Hey! I have to go...see you tomorrow..." Bona said and ran out of the house.

"Bye!" I said and tried to escape my brother.

"Now, where are you going?" Jooheon asked

"To my room..." I said

"Let's talk..." Jooheon said

"About what?" I asked

"Who was the boy?" Jooheon asked

"His name was Lee Chan..." I said

"Why didn't you say anything to him?" he asked

I shrug.

"I don't know...I never knew a guy would ask me out..." I said

"Come on...you should talk to him tomorrow..." Jooheon said

"Alright," I said

"You should bring his some brownies..." Minhyuk said

"Were you listening?" I asked and pouted.

"Hey, I live here...what am I supposed to do?" he said

Lee Minhyuk my oldest brother.

"How old is him?" Minhyuk asked

"19..." I said

"Younger or older?" Minhyuk asked

"Younger..." I said

I stand up.

"Enough questions...I'm going to go do my homework..." I said and walked to my room.

I put my stuff down and jumped on my bed.

I covered my face.

"WHY!" I shouted and sighed

I can't believe I just ran away from my crush.


I walked to my locker to get my stuff.

Bona was walking with me.

"Hey, I heard that Josh was going to ask you out..." I said

"How do you know?" Bona asked

"I heard from Seola and Jeonghan..." I said and smiled.

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