Diagon alley

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The next day I woke with a start. My father was shouting at Draco. A little while after Draco slumped into my room to see if u was awake. He saw that I was and said "that's the last time I cover for you when you over sleep in." "Sorry" I groaned "you know full well that you don't have to" I said when he gave me a glare.

I got up shooed Draco out of my room and got dressed into a short black dress with black flats. Mother liked me to look formal so I put my hair in a pony tail.

I ran downstairs to find mother, father and Draco were waiting for me father told me to grab a couple of slices of toast. I did as I was told I quickly are the toast and held onto my mother and Draco held onto me. It felt like I was being pulled through a tight tube backwards.

When I dared open my eyes the light hurt my eyes. When I adjusted to the light I could see shops as far as I could see. "Where are we going first?" I asked mum eagerly "books then uniform, cauldron scales phials telescope, wand and then finally your pet." Said mother calmly.

Father took me and Draco in to the book shop while mum was talking to her friend. I'm the shop we met Harry Potter with the Weasley family. Father turned us arounda corner but Draco slipped away.

After a while father went to see where he had gone but I could guess that he had gone to torment Potter and Weasley. I followed a bit beging father so he wouldn't notice me. Draco had told me about how Potter was an attention seeker and how Weasley was his sidekick.

When I caught up to father I leaned on my brother. "Aww Malfoy's got a girlfriend" potter chanted. Suddenly father looked at Draco and me and then advanced on Potter. Both me and Draco were scared of father when he was angry because he could lash out at any minute so me and Draco stepped backwards a few steps Draco was infront of me in a protective way that's what I loved about him.

" How dare you insult my children Potter!" and just as father pulled out his wand mother came passed me and Draco and let father out of the shop.

Draco barged into Potter as he walked past and I trod on Weasley's foot. "Ouch" I chuckled at him behind his back whipped around and said "that's what you get for insulting a Malfoy and trust me that's nothing." I smirked the famous Malfoy smirk at the last few words. And we went peacefully to pay for our books.

Next Draco took me to go and get my robes fitted which didn't take very long considering that Draco had to get new robes as well we then went in raw shop that was quite cluttered with stuff once we had all the things from their we all headed off to get my wand. "Father has calmed down a lot hasn't he" said Draco. I suddenly noticed that as well and I could tell he was more calm than frustrated but I still kept my distance because he could boil back up again. 

As we entered "Olivanders" all I could see was rows and rows of boxes that held wands in and I thought how could a single person run this place on their own. Suddenly a man came out of nowhere and said "ahh Eve Malfoy I wondered when I would be seeing you." I was quite shy actually so when I saw the man I hid slightly behind my mother and kicked Draco for laughing at me. The man gave me a wand to try out but it felt wrong nevertheless I waved it and it smashed a vase. The next wand he gave me was nice because it was similar to my mothers but without the studs on the handle but that felt wrong so I waved it and broke a ladder in two. It was quite fun breaking the shop for the third time. Olivander gave me another wand and I felt a cool sort of breeze. I liked this wand the most out of all the ones I had tried because it was a sort of hazel brown with a diamond on the end and with diamonds around the top of the handle it also had vines weaving up the wand. Next stop was the pet shop.

I pulled Draco along the alley while mother and father went to knocktern alley Draco wanted to go but father said not to leave me on my own so he had to come with me. When we reached the shop I saw rows of cute and adorable kittens and cats but I had decided that I wanted an owl. So we went around all the owls. I saw one that I fell in love with straight away. So I looked at the name tag and saw that it was a girl and that she was called twilight. I called Draco over to say that I had found one that I loved and he said that he had found one too I was confused for a while but then remembered that he didn't have one so I decided to buy him it for his birthday that was next week. I paid for the owls and we headed out of the shop and set off to find mother and father.

 I paid for the owls and we headed out of the shop and set off to find mother and father

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That is how I saw twilight.

We found them just coming back from knocktern alley. "Draco why have you got an owl?"mother asked. "It's his birthday present from me." I said quickly before Draco could say anything so he just simply nodded. And on that note we all disapparated back to the manor.

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