God, you're the reason why I love with such strong passion,
Why I keep giving the best of me or what I have left
And you already know it
You are God
Everything is in your hands
But I still want to say it,
Because its what my heart feels,
what it wants
Where once I felt desperation, loneliness and I couldnt give enough,
You came
Or rather I say,
I let you in
You became my reason to live
Though I tripped many times ,
You still were the reason
And you'll keep being the one that all my efforts are in every single thing in my life
Because having you,
Doing it for you
Everything is finer, full of love
I can accept things in my life and have peace
My problems are in your hands and you always have a way to solve it
or make me understand what I have to do
You give so many things by just being on your side
Just to be with you and hold on,
Endure what it comes
I thank you each day for this happiness
Because I know than even if a storm comes
There will always be a part of heaven in the end

Frases, Cartas y Poemas de mi corazón.
PoesíaPalabras inspiradas con momentos y detalles importantes de la vida. Tristeza, alegría, enojo con eso y más uno se puede inspirar.