Chapter 25:

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Sarada walks into the store with Chocho following shortly behind her "So why are we here again?" Sarada Asks her.

Chocho smiles. "Your birthday is tomorrow! I have to get you a super cute party dress! You don't wanna be looking-" "I see your point. Let's get this show on road." Says Sarada like she's annoyed, and she was.

Chocho raises an eyebrow, surprised by my mood but she couldn't blame her. Who wanted to go shopping?

It's frickin boring.

"Okay, do you like this?" Asks Chocho. "Yeah whatever," Says Sarada not caring. Chocho sighs. "Fine then, how about I find you a dress and help you get ready tomorrow?" Asks Chocho.

Sarada yawns. "Do I get to go home right now and sleep?" She Asks. Chocho sighs but nods. "Fine Sara," Says Chocho. "Sure then, c'mon, take me home." She says standing up.

"Fine, do you want me to pick you up or something too?" Asks Chocho sarcastically. Sarada thinks for a moment. "That would be nice but you can take me out to Chick-fil-a instead." Says Sarada. Chocho sighs. "Your so lucky I'm hungry at the moment." Says Chocho making Sarada smile.


Sarada steps inside. Is dad home? She thinks to herself.

She looks around the table and notices a note. Seeing that it's from her father she takes it and reads it:

Hey, I'll be working a little late trying to find your mom. I'll be back by your birthday though. Happy early birthday Sarada! I love you!

Sarada smiles at the note. Atleast he'll be back by my birthday.

Sarada sighs and sits down on the couch. Usually before her birthday, Chocho and her would be spending the night together, talking about plans for tomorrow but this year would be different.

She has a boyfriend, and father, and...

her moms gone.

I mean, she'd rather not spend her 17th birthday without her mom.

But, she would make the most out of it.
Because deep down inside she was happy. She had friends and most of her family. And maybe even a new one on the way.

But somehow, she felt as if, this happiness wouldn't last. That it wasn't real. Sarada shakes off the feeling. Maybe it was all in her imagination?

Short chapter
I'm baaaaack!!
And I'm continuing!
This book IS NOT on hold anymore!
Schoooooools our, for summa!

Jk lol but we get out on the 22nd soooooooo
I'm super duper happy but I have summa schooool!
It starts literally a week after we go on summa break and last till June 15.
But atleast half of my friends are gonna be there!

Anyway! Questions!

How do you think Sarada's birthdays gonna go?

What about Chocho?
Do you think she's gonna tell?

And lastly, what about Sasuke? Do you guys trust him?

That's all for today!

Make sure you
And Share!!!
Let's continue this journey babes!

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