Another match

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Two weeks later Back in Russia
Svetlana' POV
Me and Anatoly we're back in Russia for a few weeks. The tournament will be played here until his match against the American. If he wins then he will have to win three out of five games to play the American again in the final. I believe he can do it. He's a strong and passionate chess player, he can beat that self-absorbed American.
I wake up to see him still asleep wearing just his pajama pants. I decided to wear one of my favorite night dresses that is shorter than my other ones. I stroke his long hair out of his face and kiss his soft lips. I feel him kissing back then hold my waist. I readjust myself putting me on top of him. I pull back and his eyes open tiredness still lurking within them.
"Good morning my darling."
"Good morning indeed. I can't believe we have been married for almost eleven years and you still make me beg for you."
I smiled and kissed his head. He took the opportunity and kissed my neck going down to my chest. Before I could protest he flipped me on my back and he was soon towering over me. He kissed back up to my jaw then my ear.
"You know I have nothing to do today. No chess no workouts no more work for today. You are all mine."
I felt him kiss my soft spot and quietly moaned "I'm yours."
I started to pull his pants down as his kissed got ruff. He pulled my night dress over my head and pulled down my panties.
"Do you want me?"
He asked teasing me.
"What was that?"
He adjusted himself over me and slowly took me. No matter how many times we do this it never gets old. I love him and he loves me, I never want this to end.
Two weeks later
Me and Anatoly were flying to Bangkok, Thailand. We were going to stay three days there. Today will count as our first day then tomorrow is the match. The American and his manager will be staying in the same hotel as us. I wasn't very fond of the chess player named Freddie but his manager was nice.
As we got off the plane Molokov brought us to the hotel and informed us that the match is at three PM tomorrow. As we went up to our room we saw Freddie.
"Well hello again."
"Good luck tomorrow Freddie."
Anatoly said from behind me.
"Thank you, both of you have a good night."
We walked to our room and enjoyed a night by ourselves.
The match
The match was fifteen minutes in and Anatoly was leading. I could tell Freddie was trying to find a easy way out or another trick to distract him.
I heard Anatoly say. I stood up and clapped my hands. I suddenly felt ill so I sat back down. After Molokov talked to Anatoly he came over to me.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm just feeling a little ill. It's probably nothing."
As we started to leave Freddie and Florence stopped us.
"Good game Anatoly."
"You too."
"Hey how about we go out for some drinks? On me."
"I don't know Svetlana is not feeling too good.."
"No it's alright go celebrate your victory. Just don't stay up too late we leave tomorrow."
"Ok goodnight sweetheart."
He said hugging me and kissing me. I walked back to the hotel as they left to go to some bar. On the walk back I wondered what might have caused this. I didn't drink any alcohol, and I didn't eat anything unusual today.
O no this can't be what I think.

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