The match

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Today was the day. Two competing countries face each other in a game of Chess. This will be their first but not last match. Anatoly was already at the tournament preparing for the match and Svetlana was getting ready to see her husband play the American. She was not fond of the American he was cocky and rude. She made her way downstairs to the car. She got in and she was on her way to the arena.
As she arrived she sat down in her reserved seat. She sat next to another woman in a blue dress.
"Hello you must be Svetlana."
"Yes who are you?"
"I am Florence Vassy Freddie's manager."
"I'm assuming that Freddie is the American Chess player."
"Yes. It's very nice to meat you. We wish your husband good luck."
"Thank you."
As the match started Svetlana and Florence sat in silence. Freddie was off to a good start but he was soon caught up by Anatoly. Svetlana started to fidget with the bracelet that Anatoly gave her the day after their first kiss. She has loved it and always used it as a symbolic reminder of him when he would leave on trips.
Anatoly was in the lead for a shot period of time then Freddie saw his strategy. Svetlana was watching closely at Freddie stared at Anatoly almost like he was going to try and see right through him. Then after Anatoly's move Freddie did what no chess player should ever do. He shifted is pawn with Anatoly's. He cheated. Then just three moves later the crowed heard "Checkmate."
But to Svetlana's surprise it was not the voice of her husband. It was the voice of the American. She felt her heart break for him. He had worked so hard and now he has to start all over again. Then the referee spoke.
"Not quite yet. Freddie Trumper you are the loser you cheated. The winner is Anatoly Sergievsky."
Svetlana stood up and clapped for him. As Anatoly turned to him he was smiling at her. After they shook hands Anatoly ran to her and hugged her.
"I knew you could do it."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
They kissed each other and went back to their hotel.

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