Svetlana and Anatoly

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She arrived on the day of the match. She was quite nervous to see him but she had a duty for her and her country.
She walked back to where she knew Anatoly would be waiting. As she stepped out of the hall into his room he looked up at her from the chair he was sitting in.
"Svetlana? You came back.."
"I can't be here for long."
"What do you mean? I love you."
"Please don't cause me any more pain. I came here to bring you back to Russia. You need to stop this game that the government is making you play. You are just a pawn in their plan to try and win a war that can't be won. Please come back, I want the husband I married. Not this competitive man that he has grown into, not this man that has put his family and private life aside for his career. Can you tell me right now that I mean more to you than this game? If you do I will love you but if you don't I don't know how I could. Tell me Anatoly, do you love me?"
"Yes I love you more that life more than anything."
"Do you love me more than Chess?"
He paused and looked into her pleading eyes.
"I knew it."
"Svetlana wait I can prove it to you just give me a chance."
"I-I don't know if I can you hurt me."
"How? I never loved Florence. She kissed me and I pushed her away. You are the only woman I have ever been in love with how could I just leave you like that?"
Svetlana paused not knowing what to think.
"The match between the American and The Russian will begin in five minutes."
They heard over the lord speakers.
"I have to go."
"I love you Svetlana."
"O Anatoly. I-I.."
She couldn't do it. She ran out of his room and out to the hallway.
'I love him, I still do, how can I not love a man that loves me this much. I need him.'
Anatoly knee that he needed to prove this to her. As soon as he wins which he plans on doing, then he will change for her he will love her unconditionally.

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