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The alarm on the computer sounds as Dipper attempted to type in another eight-letter word into the password box. He's been working on this ever since this morning, and he's tried a variety of different words but he just can't get it to open up. He tried again, trying abstract but then again—


"Come on—!" The boy grimaced and pounded on the computer. He tried another word: constant. Probably because of the constant beeping—


Dipper shook his head. His eyebrows drew together and clenched his fists. He groaned. "I can't take that stupid sound anymore!" He pounded on the computer again. "I. Hate. You. Sound!" That only caused four more bleeping noises screaming at him.

He yawned and looked out into the trees from his spot on the roof. "There has to be some sort of shortcut  or clue..." He rubbed his eyes.

As if on cue, a strong, cool breeze passed through the summer air. Dipper snuggled into his jacket and stood up. He wondered if he should go back inside, it might rain soon. There was a nonstop creaking noise from the weather vane, as it was spinning rapidly. The full moon shone brightly behind him. Yeah, he should really go inside—wait. No, the moon looks too bright on the Mystery Shack.

Dipper slowly turned around. He gasped and jumped back; the moon was as almost bright as the sun, and there was a slit down the middle. Before he could process anything else, a strident laugh crescendoed over the forest. The voice sounded everywhere.

Then, blue, bright bricks formed into a shape of a triangle. A flashing light swallowed the shape up for a heartbeat until he appeared.

"I think I know a guy!"

Bill Cipher.


Dipper awoke with a gasp. He hadn't had a dream like that in years, he realized, the last time was about a year after their first trip to Gravity Falls.

But why now? He hadn't even thought of the demon triangle since...what if he sent him the dream?

Dipper shook his head and put his knees to his chest. No, Bill Cipher is defeated. It couldn't have been him that sent that dream, he thought.

He looked onto the floor to see Rephic's air mattress empty, sheets and blanket made and everything. Of course. Bill always felt the need to make everything perfect. For emphasis, Dipper thrust his sheets toward the wall and lazily got out of bed.

Deciding his red t-shirt and shorts were appropriate, Dipper walked down the stairs without changing into something different. He was too lazy to change into something nicer.

Faint laughter came from the living room. Deciding to investigate, Dipper trudged towards it. His brown eyes widened in surprise as he saw Bill and Stan...bonding.

Dipper awkwardly knocked on the wall next to him.

Stan turned around from his seat from the end of the couch, wearing his casual wear consisting of his white undershirt and his boxers. That was normal. He waved lazily at him. "Mornin', sleeping beauty. You slept all the way till 1!"

Dipper felt his face get hot. He slept till 1 PM. I probably look like a wreck, he thought to himself. "Yeah, well, I'm gonna eat something," he excused himself from the room and fast-walked into the kitchen to make some three-minute mac n cheese.

As he put the bowl into the microwave and set the timer, he wondered about his dream that he had the night before. Why would he have a flashback dream from his first summer? Did Cipher have anything to do with it? That's impossible, he's defeated. Dipper didn't know. He wasn't so sure he even wanted to know, either.

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