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"Grandpa Shermy is here!" Dipper's mother called up the stairs, which had woken the adult up.

Dipper groggily sat up and swung his feet over the bed. He yawned and stood up, but then he realized he'd stepped on Bill's hand, which was hanging off the mattress. He immediately jumped awake. He blinked and glared at his hand, then cradled it under his chest. "Fuckin'..." he mumbled.

Dipper snickered as he was pulled fully awake by the sudden accident. "Bill, sorry dude," but he kept laughing.

Bill sniffed. "No, you're not," and turned over on his side and went back to sleep with a deep sigh.

Yeah, it's pretty funny, Dipper thought with a small chuckle, then hurried downstairs.

It was pretty easy to find Grandpa Shermy in the mix of people in the living room. The man sat by his younger brothers, who were Stan and Ford. He laughed along with the others, yet a little unsurely, about a joke that Stan told them about "aims getting better", or something like that.

Shermy wore an olive-green vest over a long-sleeved white shirt and khaki shorts. "Grandpa Shermy!" Dipper called.

"Dipper!" He called in his usual aged voice, much unlike the Grunkles, who still sounded the same from those years ago. He stood up and pulled him into a hug. He pulled away after a moment. "Where's your sister?" He asked.

Dipper shrugged. "Probably upstairs sleeping." Mabel really liked to sleep in, much like Dipper.

Shermy laughed light-heartedly. He waved an aged hand towards the kitchen. "Your Grandma Camila is in there, she has a little something to give you!"

Dipper scoffed cheerily. He gave a side-look at his Grunkles and found them actually talking. Christmas is truly a magical time.

And so with that, Dipper walked into the kitchen with his lightened heart.

There he found his Grandma sitting at the little table they had in there next to the cousins. They looked like they were drawing a picture for her.

Grandma Camila's eyes lit up with joy as he saw Dipper at the door. "Oh, sweetheart!" She sat up squeezed him into a hug. So—tight, he thought. The kids sneered at that. Camila smelled like those strawberry candies that spawn in old ladies' bags.

She finally pulled away and looked him over, as he did her. She was the same from over the years. She had a white dress on with a jean jacket was thrown over her, which had little flowers sewn into it at random patterns.

Her wrinkly face crinkled as she smiled at him. "Oh, I've missed you so much, my little Mason!" Dipper cringed inwardly at his name, but he kept smiling. She finally let go of his shoulders and put her hands together in front of her chest.

Her eyes suddenly flickered in realization, and then she pulled something out of her purse that was still over her shoulder. She gave him a 20 dollar bill.

She winked at him as he took it. "Buy whatever you want with that, sugar." She walked out of the kitchen and into the living room at that.

The brunet turned toward the kids, who were still snickering at him. Dipper sighed through his nose and pocketed the money.

"What a grandma, huh?" Dipper jumped as Bill snuck up behind him. The kid's booming, shrill laughter filled his ears and he recoiled.

Dipper glared at him and walked to the pantry. He opened it and grabbed a granola bar. "When did you get up?" He sneered at him.

Bill's grin faltered a little. "After your sister barged into the room and told me that we're all going out for lunch," he rubbed his eyes. "I just really want to sleep, but I gotta do what I gotta do." He reached into the pantry and grabbed a granola bar as well.

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