1 | The Man in Black

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Okay guys, I'm just going to come out and say it. I have never in my life watched a Star Wars movie. I have, however, developed a very odd fascination with the character of Kylo Ren, and I do believe I've done enough research to be able to write an accurate FanFiction. Do not quote me on this, because I have a feeling there will be inaccuracies from time to time. If there are, don't hesitate to correct me. This is nothing but a fun little pass time for me, but I want you guys to enjoy a storyline as accurate as possible. Thank you :).


The girl gasped herself awake, eyes opening wide as her mind jostled with thoughts so rapid they were unattainable to her.

She could feel the cool, damp grass tickling her cheek as she lay like a starfish on the ground, her back to the sky. She was resting on her stomach—well, perhaps resting wasn't the best word. She was deposited on her stomach, left laying there for God knows how long.

She felt stiff, she realized, as she tried to roll her head to rest on her other cheek. Her neck ached—throbbed, as her heart seemed to palpitate in her throat. She swallowed thickly, struggling to coat her dry airway. When was the last time she drank water? She couldn't remember.

But more importantly, how had she got here? She didn't remember much; she didn't remember anything, really. Everything up until this point was riddled with nothing except memories of pools of ebony ink. She tried to remember something trivial, but even those small details eluded her.

Who she was remained just out of reach. Eyes clenching shut, her fingers tingled as she struggled to grasp her identity that seemed so close yet so far. Perhaps she would've been more scared of the situation at hand if she remembered how she had gotten there. But all she drew were blanks. She couldn't panic yet because she, through the dense fog of confusion, still wasn't positive as to what she should panic about.

There were too many things that required panic that all the possibilities seemed to cancel each other out, creating a false illusion of calm and equilibrium that would soon clear when she realized the severity of her situation. For now, her naivety—her complete shock—was more of a benediction than anything else.

Opening her eyes again, a sudden headache thrummed within her skull and tugged a wince from her at the same moment a jolt of pain electrocuted her body. She wondered if she had fallen from a great height and had broken all of her bones. If she had, she didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse that she was still alive.

She took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching her fingers, before doing the same thing to her toes. She could feel her digits moving, so she knew her skeleton hadn't been obliterated to dust. But she also knew she hadn't been laid down gently. Again, she wondered how she got here.

Slowly moving her arms, she started to bring them near her body, trying to lift the upper half of herself up so she could sit on her knees and fully take in her surroundings. She was directly facing a grey, moss covered rock. It wasn't very interesting. The rest of the area that encased her still remained a mystery. She could detect, however, that it was a forest setting.

Suppressing whimpers and groans, her muscles ached in resistance to her movements. She forced her eyes shut as she continued to push herself up, palms flat against the wet earth beneath her chest. She could imagine she must've been muddy and dirty, but it didn't bother her enough to dwell over it. She had much bigger things to dwell over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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