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After minutes of deciding what to pick, I settled on three cans of coke and put it in the cart.

"Is that all?" Asked my faithful companion and cousin, Jeon Wonwoo.

I nodded, I already picked out many snacks for me and him to last for a few weeks.

We both walked to the counter, there wasn't much people in the store since it was almost midnight. I yawned loudly and stretched my arms as much as possible, I wasn't even the tiniest bit embarrassed of my actions.

"Hey, you're a lady. You should act like one." He nudged me

I teased him more by sticking my tongue out, I know he doesn't mean that because we're close and he often makes jokes about me being careless and unladylike. Wonwoo wasn't the type to base everything on gender or sex, so I knew that he didn't mean it.

The bells of the store's entrance jingled and my head turned to look at the newly arrived person—people I mean, who would come here 11:45 pm except us.

"I told you not to follow me."

"But I still love you!"

"God, please just leave you're making a commotion here."

The first thing I noticed was a messy hair that was from a guy taller than the isles (what did this kid eat), and there was a woman in which he was talking to. After moving a bit, I could finally see their appearances. It was a tall guy with freakishly good looks, his figure complemented by the black suit he was wearing and not to mention his messy hair.  There was also a girl, she looked so beautiful with her black, silky and sleeveless dress that ended above her knees. 

The girl wiped her tears harshly and walked away from the store, leaving behind the tall black-haired guy with a frustrated look.

The guy's eyes went to us and glared, "What are you looking at?"

I blinked a few times before nudging Wonwoo's side, he was watching the scene unfold too.

"Move." I said

He flinched for a second, then nodding. He did as told as we continued to pay for our food, pretending not to mind the handsome guy—

'Eunha, stop saying he's handsome when he obviously is.' I thought to myself

"Let's go before we get into trouble." He said as we held onto the plastic bags, ready to go back home

"Wait Wonwoo, look." I poked him and motioned to look at the direction where I'm pointing at

It was the guy earlier, picking out a can of beer and rubbing his swollen eyes.

"Eunha don't." He warned

"Why not?"

"You don't know him and we're both wearing pajamas," he looked at me with his lips pursued

"But he looks messed up..." I said

"You say that to everyone who's gone through a heartbreak, now let's go home." He said and opened the car door


Then the guy went outside the store with his can of beer, drinking it while walking casually to the car that was right beside ours.

I didn't know why I stared at him.

Is it because of the black suit he's wearing? Or his jet black hair that was neatly styled?

Or the way his eyes held no visible emotion?

Little did I know, his shoulder brushed softly onto mine without him noticing.

The moment we accidentally initiated that small physical contact, my eyes widened in the sudden rush of emotions.

My heart felt burdened as my throat felt dry. My breathing became uneven, my vision was blurred by the tears starting to build up.

I cried as my body felt numb and exhausted.

It felt like having all your teeth pulled out, like all the air was knocked out of you, or as if your heart was withering away.

It was painful, really painful...

Is this what he felt?


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