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Somehow, I couldn't get my mind straight after the mall incident. I couldn't help but think about the guy's stupid face and the way he looked like he could kill someone, but still had the strength to look good.

I slapped myslef, 'Get your head straight Eunha, he's a jerk and you want to smash his face with a guitar then peel his skin with a knife.'

I simply smiled at my thoughts, it was sadistic but I'm not complaining.

"Why are you thinking about him?" Wonwoo said

"I'm not." I said

"How did you know who I was talking about?" He pressed his lips in a thin line

I rolled my eyes at him, It's not like I can hide from him any longer. He knows me even when he's blindfolded and I'm not even exaggerating, and same goes for me.

"You like him." He suddenly said out of the blue

"Uhm, hello? Have you seen his awful attitide? That guy deserves to eat shit." I grunted and sat up the couch, facing Wonwoo who was squatting on the ground with a face.

He has a weird habit of squatting on the ground when we talk, like right now.

"You still like him." He insisted

"Ugh believe me for once." I groaned

"I may not feel what you feel, but I know that look." He smiled teasingly

I didn't know why but my cheeks heated up by his teasing stare, it was pushing me to believe that he was right. But it was not enough.

"Ugh, don't talk to me." I said and pouted

When he was about to open his mouth for another lecture, his phone rang loudly.

He went to pick it up, once he opened his phone, he grinned happily as he answered it.


I widened my eyes as the grin familiar to Wonwoo's was painted on my face, his brother had called from the States.

"Hyuk!" I screamed and forced my cousin to face his phone on my direction.

Remember when I said that Wonwoo had a younger brother? This was him, Jeon Bohyuk. He looks a lot like Wonwoo, but a little more chubby I guess? Not that he's fat, it's just that he has more squishy cheeks than Wonwoo, and maybea bit more attractive in my eyes.

Okay lmao I'm sorry Won.

"Ah Eunha, still cute as ever." He said and I smiled

"I missed you!" I whined

"Me too Eun, how's hyung treating you?" He asked teasingly

"He treats me horribly, I have to put up with his bad attitude-"

"You're turning it upside down!" Wonwoo argued

"I'm kidding, he's doing a great job at being my slave." I laughed

Wonwoo glared, but I knew it was just a teasing look. We tend to playfully fight, just a borther-sister thing.

"You entertain me Eunha, unlike my big brother here." He laughed, Wonwoo playfully opening his mouth in an 'o' shape. (surprised pikachu face)

"Where is your respect?!" He grunted, sulking.

"Love you Wonton!" I hugged my cousin as his younger brother laughed

"I just wanted to check up on you, looks like you guys are doing well. See you!" He waved as we returned it with the same action, the video call ended.

"Wanna go sight seeing?" He asked

"That's sudden, but sure."


This time, he made me drive his car because I wanted to practice. We went to the Jeons' famous sight seeing spot in Seoul, when we arrived, no one was there but us.

We leaned on the rail, the horizon in our view. The blue sea glittered as the sun was close to setting, the sky reflected the sun and the sea's color, orange and dark blue was painted across the unending sky.

We were standing next to each other, my elbow touching his.

I felt some kind of heavy feeling in my chest, it was something that no words can explain, it wasn't painful, just... heavy.

I hugged Wonwoo from the side, "I'm here."

Then the heavy feeling subsided and I was glad, I somehow made him a bit happier.

"Thanks." He muttered

I knew the reason behind his lonely feeling, the reason behind his disappointment.

We both have it, lack of parent's love.

We both knew that no matter how we want it, we can't have it at any cost.

They were all gone, both my parents and his mother. All passed except his father.


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