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Lauren's P.O.V

Laying down on the somewhat new couch, closing my eyes thinking about the events that had occurred a few minutes ago. I sighed knowing I messed up big time. What was I thinking flirting with her.

She's the second person who I've behave this way with. The first one was a big mistake, which of course included me sleeping with them. But there is something about Y/N that I can't quite understand that intrigues me. I know getting close to him is going to be difficult, but I'm not going to give up. He's really sexy, his y/c/h is soft, curly and long. His big frame, toned abs and arms. He y/c/e has an innocent look in them and also mysterious. Like he's hiding something from the world.-

"What are you thinking about?". A familiar voice interrupted my train of thoughts. Turning around on the couch looking to see who it was. Dinah. She's laying on the other couch facing me.

" I'm good". I shake my head, looking at my fingers as I rubbed the small freckles on my hand.

"Your sure". She questioned with one of her eyebrows lifted looking at me.

"Yup". I asked looking down at my hands.

"Hmm... sure".  She responded not believing a word I said. My heart starting beating fast, I slowly looking up at her wondering if she knows about anything that happened between y/n and I. I gulped nervously and cleared my throat-

"Guys, we have to check the rest of the house to make sure no infected-". Y/n interrupted the weird tension, but stopped when he stood in between the two couches. "Um, am I interrupting anything?". He asked with an unreadable expression on his face. I quickly got up shaking my head no, looking  anywhere but him.

"Nah we were just busying our selves by having a good chat, right Lauren?". Dinah spoke up, thankfully. She gave me a reassuring smile, giving me a look to agree with her. I got the message nodding my head quickly smiling.

Y/n looked me up and down with something in his eyes. I'm not sure what it is, but I felt a shiver running down my spine. I quickly looked away getting hot.

"Yeah guys, I think we should hurry and check this place before they attack us". Dinah giving us an amused face, chuckling while getting up.

After no one said anything, y/n walked passed us going towards the stairs. After realizing no one is following him, he turned around on the stairs looking at us with raised eyebrows. We quickly began walking towards where he is, y/n turned back around continuing to where he's going without another word.
"Guys, am I the only one that's hearing that?". Y/n looking around trying to find where the sound is coming from. We mumbled "yes, yeah" in agreement.

"Um I'm pretty sure it's in the basement". I mumbled nervously. Y/n turned around looking at me. "Let's go, you ready?". He asked no one in particular with raised eyebrows while still looking at me.

"Yes". Dinah responded flatly, laughing afterwards. She walked ahead of us. "They totally have the hots for each other". Dinah snickered thinking we can't hear her.

While still staring at me, y/n rolled her eyes turning around walking off. "What the fuck Dinah". I cursed under my breath with blushed cheeks.

After finding the door to the to the basement, y/n checked to see if it's locked. Locked, great. "Dinah remember when I gave you a chain with a key on it?". Y/n turned to look at Dinah. "Yeah, but why are you asking when we have to find a way to open the-". Dinah stopped responding and taking off the chain she has on. "Here". Looking a bit embarrassed while giving the chain to y/n. Y/n shakes his head, trying to open the basement with the key he got. "Finally". Commented slowly opening the door, he turned around and brought his finger to his lips then turned back around.  Dinah and I looked at each other then slowly followed y/n down the basement.

After we reached the end of the steps we saw a figure on the ground in the distance. Y/n turned on the lights and then-. "Y/n!". We looked to see who the hell that feminine voice belonged to. "Camila?". Y/n knows her?. Y/n ran towards the brunette. I have to admit that she's beautiful.

"How did you know I was here?". The brunette asked in fragile voice while holding onto y/n like her life depending on it. "Um... I didn't actually".

"Why are you tide up in the basement?". She asked with a confused look. "Austin". Camila cried out. what?.

"Your boyfriend". Y/n stated flatly.


Sorry for the wait, I'm working on it.😫❤️
Also sorry for this short chapter 🙈

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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