Chapter 17- Beautiful Stranger

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Hi everybody. The picture above is Kyle.
We picked up Cassie and Melissa. We put their stuff in the back and we got in. We weren't expecting so many people so we travelled in two separate vehicles. Devon took his car and Prescott was driving the minivan. Jay was in the shot gun. Aiden and his girlfriend, Jenny, were sitting up front. Cassie and Melissa sat behind them and then there was Bryan and Jacob's friend.

Jenny was pretty; she had long strawberry blonde hair. She didn't speak much though. Her bangs covered her eyes. She looked really shy too. Since she sat down the only words she said was to Aiden in the form of whispers. They occasionally laughed. They were taking snaps too and I must admit I was jealous of what the two shared.

Cassandra had changed. She had her hair cut short. It was shorter than shoulder length. She dyed her dark brown hair with a bit of blonde. The girl who didn't like makeup was wearing it now. Mascara, face powder, lipstick the whole shebang. It suited her though. She was a little shorter than I was but if I gave her two months, she'd outgrow me. She and Melissa were watching funny videos.

Melissa was taller than the both of us. Her hair was shoulder length to be exact. Back then, her hair was really curly like mine but she must have gotten tired of it. From what I saw in the picture Cassie sent, her hair was straight, it was so straight it could cut me but it was curled now. Her hair was a light brown with a single purple streak to the front of her hair. She was very pretty and she was slim. Her porcelain, slightly tanned skin shone in brilliance. She looked like a model. She wore little make-up. She was quiet and only spoke when spoken to.

Jacob's friend was about the same height as Jacob himself. He had tousled black hair. His eyes were beautiful. They were of a violet hue. I've never seen anyone with eyes like those. He was really cute but because of eyes I kept staring at him by looking into the rearview mirror. He was wearing plain blue jeans and a purple jersey top. He was napping and beside him was Bryan who was playing games on his laptop.

Unfortunately, I got the best seat ever. The seat beside Captain Cold. Jacob was looking out the window as we drove by and we were back to the ignoring thing. I was very bored, to be honest, so I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

When I woke up, the minivan was at a stop. We boarded Devon's priavte jet and we were lifted up into the air. I hated heights but at least I had all these people to distract me. Right? When everyone was together, we introduced who we invited. The twins went first.

"Dad this is Jennifer Davidson" said Aiden smiling.

"Nice to meet you Jennifer." Dad shook her hand.

"Likewise" She sweetly replied.

"Oceania, this is my dad, Devon." Devon gave her a sugary smile and shook her hand too. "Dad this is Oceania Walters, my girlfriend." Adrien was smiling from ear to ear.

He was more of the funny silent type and it seemed he and Oceania really had some chemistry. Oceania had long straight hair. Her eyes were green and she was pale.

She spoke first, "Thanks for allowing your son to invite me."

"You are welcome. Besides, he would be no fun if he's sulking because you didn't get to come."

Oceania snickered, covering her mouth to smother a huge burst of laughter. My brother's ears slightly turned red.

Adrien seemed pleased that his father liked his girlfriend and they walked off to go mingle.

"Ummm... Devon these are my friends Cassandra Williams and Melissa Alvarez."

"It's nice to finally meet some of Samantha's friends. Please enjoy yourselves."

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