Part 1

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“I love to travel. Travel to the places that can peace my mind and make me confortable with it. I love historical places. In my country, there aren’t so many historical places as it is a city but Seoul is good enough for me to travel .One step.. two step.. three step and stop”

Jessica standing forward and look widely around her. Birds chirping very lovely and she can breathe in with fresh air. Jessica can feel how her chambers work inside of her body.

“I love Deoksugung palace. Its statue. Very adorable. I wondering if I was the princess of the kingdom. I would be much prettier”

She sit on the third rung. Suddenly she think of her beloved mother .


Jessica fondling her doll’s bright yellow hair

“Mummy, why it is so hard for my wish comes true?” Jessica ask her mother who was sewing Jessica’s uniform school .

Her mom take a deep breath . It sounds like a chorus of groans and moans even didn’t say anything yet.

“Darling, I believe your wish will come true. As you follow your dreams”

“But how?” Jessica attached her mother .

Her mom took a thick old book with soft purple from her drawer. Mom gives Jessica the book and smiled.

“When you write your dream ,it will come true.” Mom said.

Jessica nod and give an eye smile to her beloved mother .

“I hope, you will find a good man who will protect you for every inch of flesh inside of you” Said mom and kiss Jessica’s forehead.

“Mom, your words still keep in my mind although its already 14 years. I really miss you mom. I really wan to travel with you. But now you wont be here anymore” Jessica sigh . She is griefing after her mom passed away 4 years ago when she was a upper form in high school.

Jessica opened the book. She propellant to write something . And she write it. After that, she make a rocket by the paper.Jessica stood up and walk . She wish from the bottom of her heart that she can found a man that her mom wished. Jessica feel the wafts of fresh air and throw the rocket paper. She smile and walked away.

Min Hyuk find his phone . Yong Hwa come near him.

“Min Hyuk, what are you doing ? There only 4 minutes left before we leave.” Said Yong Hwa .

“My phone,its gone!” Min Hyuk struggling and struggling hardly.Suddenly, he found a rocket paper. Min Hyuk feel it is very unique. He opened the rocket paper and read.

“never stop dreaming,it will come true”

Min Hyuk continue find his phone. Suddenly, he feel that he heard sounds from his shoe soles. He take two step backwards.

“Finally, my phone” Said Min Hyuk and take his phone. The phone not broken yet. Only dirt a little bit.Min Hyuk very grateful and he realized that the rocket paper still in his left hand.

“I don’t know how its happen. But I think this paper bring me some luck. Maybe I have to keep it.” Min Hyuk convincing himself.

“Min Hyuk, did you found your phone?” Yong Hwa ask again because they have to leave the Deoksugung palace now.

Min Hyuk nodding and they walk towards Yong Hwa’s car.

To be continued ..

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