Chapter Three: AKA Spring-Sprouted Flower

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The rest of the week went similarly: Kilgrave would pick Iris up and drop her off at college and school, though his treatment of her never got as harsh as it did that first day; Faith would annoy her with questions and try to get her to set them up; and Iris took the bus home, to her job, or to a nearby café.

The next Wednesday came around too slowly, and Iris was happy to be closing in on spring break.

"What's the cheerful look for?" Kilgrave asked that afternoon. Iris couldn't wipe the smile off her face, and it was infectious, making him smile as well.

"I just realized: spring break is coming up!" she yelled, throwing her hands up as far as they could go in the car. Then she quietened. "Sorry."

"No, no. You're allowed to be happy, Iris. Just don't be annoying."

"Oh, alright."

"Any plans for then?" She shook her head.

"Not really. I might write, but it makes time pass too quickly."

"You never told me you write," he complained.

"I don't do it often, and it's not like it's great."

"Well, I'd like to read some of what you have." Her face brightened.

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"Why not?"

"No one ever wants to read my stuff," she explained. "You'd be the first." Kilgrave furrowed his brows.

"What about your friends? You seem a bit too passionate about writing for them to ignore it."

"They do," Iris replied curtly, hiding her sadness. He snorted, and she frowned at him, thinking he was making fun of her.

"You have shitty friends then." She smiled despite the harsh truth.



"Issy! I need to use the bathroom," Faith whined, rubbing her legs together.

"Then go. I'm hungry," Iris told her, trying not be stuck at the end of the lunch line again.

"But Issy... I won't be long..." Iris sighed, rubbing her head in response to her hunger and frustration headache.

"Ugh, fine-"

"-Yay!" Faith went to stand in the completely full bathroom, waiting for an open stall. Iris stood next to her, glancing at the phone Faith always had in her hand. She patted her pocket.

"Fuck!" Iris hissed quietly at the empty feeling. There was nothing in any of her pockets when she frantically patted around.


"Faith, have you seen my phone anywhere?" Iris asked desperately.

"How should I know?" Faith said snidely without even looking up, barely answering her question.

"I know I had it with me at Burkley..." Iris murmured to herself, backtracking.

"Wait. What? I was busy talking with Tykee."

"My phone."

"What about it?"

"I lost it." Faith shook her head.

"Tough luck," Faith sang. "I'm sure you can get another." Iris's heart dropped. She definitely did not have enough spare money. Nearly everything she had was what her mother had bought for her a year or two ago. Iris just changed accounts so that she would be paying instead of her.

Forgiveness from a Goddess (Kilgrave x OC)Where stories live. Discover now