Chapter Six - Part One: AKA Fine Dining

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Iris awoke feeling like she had won a battle she didn't even know about. The previous night's events came back to her, and she chose to forget most of it — one of her coping mechanisms. She tossed on some casual clothes and went down to get breakfast, hoping that Laurent had whipped up something nice and warm. When she reached the bottom step, she knew Kilgrave was in the sitting room, indicated by the penalty shout coming from the TV. Since she had that strange boost in her step, she only hesitated a little before joining him on the couch. He was pleasantly surprised to see her slip in the room and sit down only a cushion away.

"Good morning, Flower," he greeted. She smiled and looked him in the eyes for the first time since his mostly unwelcomed actions.

"Good morning." She would have said his name, but she knew he would only want to hear it in private. He was happy that she was clever enough to figure that out.

"Are you hungry? I already told Laurent to fix some soup. He should be here with my bowl, but I'll tell him to make you some."

"I'd like some, yeah." He turned his body towards her.

"I see that you're... feeling better," he chose his words carefully. "Would you-" Laurent coming into the room interrupted his question. The chef carefully placed his large bowl of soup on the table in front of them while watching his boss's expression. "Leave," he dismissed, and Laurent left without a word.

Iris watched Kilgrave pick up the tray with his breakfast on it before scooting himself right next to her, thighs touching.

"I forgot to tell him about yours," he explained, picking up a spoon, "but he made enough for the both of us." He slipped the spoon in, gathering some of the vegetables and meat, and held it to his flower's mouth. She looked at him curiously. "Right. It's hot." He blew on the spoon to cool it down and raised it towards her again. She finally opened her mouth, and he fed her. "How does it taste?" She swallowed after chewing.

"Great. But-" she cut herself off as she watched him use the same spoon to eat some himself.

"Nice," he noted, "Not the best, but he's not Gordon Ramsay. What were you saying?"

"Um, why are you spoon-feeding me?"

"It's easier than passing the spoon back and forth. And-" He wrapped his hand around hers. "-I want to. Plus, it'll help make up for last night... Do you want me to stop?"

"No, it's just..."

"New?" he finished for her. "I think I understand." He fed her some more. "You don't know what it's like being cared for... You don't know what it's like to feel loved... Friends, lovers. Same thing. You don't know what any of it's like. And that makes you uncomfortable... uneasy... It's hard to gain your trust, but when someone does, it's incredible." He moved a reassuring hand around to her hip, but she hissed at the pain, making him jerk his hand away. "I'm sorry I took yours for granted," was all he said before continuing to feed them both.

"I forgive you," she said after a while. "But I don't think that speech was completely about me." He glanced at her.

"How did you know?"

"There's a reason for everything," she answered cryptically, repeating her thoughts from last night. He chuckled.

"Flower, you're too clever. Sometimes it's hard to think you're only eighteen." She hummed in thanks before changing the subject.

"Are we still on for tonight?"


Hand in hand, Iris and Kilgrave went to his favorite restaurant, getting a table even without a reservation. She wasn't exactly comfortable with Kilgrave ordering the waiter to tell a couple to shunt off, but the damage was already done. They were seated in a secluded corner with their menus, and he refused to acknowledge how well the violet dress he bought for his flower fit her.

Forgiveness from a Goddess (Kilgrave x OC)Where stories live. Discover now