Chapter Four: AKA The Wolf's Den

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Friday, the last day of school before spring break, came around, and Kilgrave was waiting outside of Vince High to take Iris to his home. When she skipped over, happy that she could rest, he took her hand, leading her to his car.

"I never asked: how far away is your house?" Iris asked him.

"I have two. The one we're going to is in New Jersey but only by thirty minutes." She stopped walking, making him stop as well.

"How much have you been driving?"

"I haven't been going out of my way to get you to school if that's what you mean."

"Thirty minutes," she said pointedly as they started to walk again. "You must wake up early as hell."

"I sleep earlier," he reasoned. "I'm not going to stop." He let go of her hand when they reached his car. Getting in, she prepared herself for the drive.

On the road, they talked as usual.

"So what's first on the to-do list?" Iris asked him.

"Reading," he answered, and she snorted.

"That's boring."

"No. I mean reading your stuff. You haven't shown me any yet."

"I didn't think you were serious."

"I'm not one of your parasitic friends. If it means something to you, it probably means something to me." She hummed happily at his words.

"That's new. What about you? What are your hobbies?" He shrugged. Most of things he did wouldn't be considered appropriate hobbies. "Come on," Iris whined. She boldly put a hand on his shoulder, making him glance at her in surprise. "We're friends. At least tell me something about yourself." He groaned and said the first thing that came to mind.

"There's this woman..."


"I've been trying to make her see... that I love her, but she denies any sort of feelings between us." Strangely, Iris felt her heart clench and removed her hand.

"Oh... Have you tried being all romantic? Flowers and such?" He shook his head.

"She hates that sort of stuff. Knowing it was from me would just make her toss it in the trash."

"Maybe she doesn't deserve you."

"I can't get over her. We were made for each other, Iris. I can't love anyone else when I know that she's my other half." Iris rubbed her chest at the sudden, unknown pain.

"Well, I hope she realizes how much she means to you."

"Yeah... Let's talk about something else."


"So, Iris! What do you think?" Kilgrave asked when they arrived. Iris carried her book bag out of the car.

"It is homey..." she murmured. "I was still expecting a mansion."

"Well-" He began to walk to the front door. "-come on!" Using his ring of keys, he unlocked the door and held it open for her. Stepping in, she noticed the staircase directly in front of her, the dining room to her left, and the sitting room to her right.

"Where can I put this?" she asked, gesturing to her bag.

"Your bedroom's upstairs-" He began walking up the steps, and she followed. "-and to the right. The left ones are off limits." Iris saw a Do Not Enter sign on one to her left before looking to her right. Kilgrave moved over to a closed door and opened it. "Here." She entered the room, a little disappointed at its plainness, but it wasn't exactly bad.

Forgiveness from a Goddess (Kilgrave x OC)Where stories live. Discover now