Arc 1.7

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An Adrupt Ambush!
Soul,Oris & Haji Vs. Frei The Dread Drakon

Soul quietly searched through a rack in the Clothing Aisle, with Oris and Haji not too far away.While they did so, the Star Cherub and the Slime Employee was having a "mild" discussion about the relationship between the boy and the androgynous Monster.

"...So,Mr. Jemhart, how long have you two lovebirds known each other?" Haji mused, furthering humiliating the young man.

"I have known Soul for over 3 years,"
Oris answered, frowning indignantly.

"We are not 'lovebirds'; we are merely close friends."

"Yeah, right.That's what they all say; then they start becoming something more."

Oris snorted, as if scoffing at the very idea the Slime is suggesting.

"Hmph.Well, 'they' are not Soul and I.
We shalt be different."

Haji dismissively waved one of its tendril at the poo-pooing Star Cherub.

"If you say so,Mr. Hotshot.I bet the next time I see you two, you'll be holding hands at a fancy restaurant while slurping spaghetti!"

"No you wouldn't,"

Soul interjected, pulling out a black tanktop that is slightly too big for their small frame.

"Oris do not eat spaghetti, or any other form of food for that matter.
He eat Magic Energy."

This comment prompted Oris to perform a smug grin at the gelatinous red Employee.

"So thy prediction is undeniably false.Thy bets are greviously misplaced."

"Even if I'm wrong about the spaghetti thing," Haji proclaimed cooly.

"I have a 6th Sense when it comes to romance.I have a lot of friends who says the exact same stuff you say and end up getting hinched."

Soul began to pull the black tanktop over their medium-sized head, but the sound of the most alarming kind interrupted their action.


Soul's expression became neutral apon hearing the warning,Oris's face became hard and grim, and Haji stopped being jovial and started becoming fearful and concerned.

"Well, that's a buzzkill,"
the Arena Employee sighed, its tendrils dropped onto the floor in a state of sadness and stress,

"but don't sweat, boys- the Security Droids will get this cleared up."

"Shouldn't we stop them?"

Soul asked, fully placing the loose shirt over their upper body.

"That's what the Droids are for," Haji
states nonchantly.

"They're almost Zeta Level, so they'll make short work of one little Lizard..."

The terrible, searing rip of steel-hard teeth ripping apart metal was heard even from the trio's position, causing the Slime to shake in terror like living jello.

The Softshine Saga:Claudia The Ambitious(Canceled Until Further Notice)Where stories live. Discover now