1. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second

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Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second

Chapter 1

When you're little, you dream that your life will be perfect. In high school, you'll be pretty and popular with the most loving boyfriend along with your best girl friend. You go to prom, get all dressed up and take pictures with, of course, your loving sweet boyfriend. Spring breaks and summers spent on the beach with friends, and then you graduate. You go off to college and you get your degree and have a great job like a doctor, a lawyer, or a teacher. Then that loving boyfriend asks you to marry him and he becomes your fiancé, then there's this great big beautiful wedding filled with family and friends. That boyfriend becomes your husband and then you buy a big house with a dog and pool in the backyard. Next, you have kids: two girls and two boys. You watch your kids grow up and the cycle restarts all over again. Well when you're little you don't know that there may be bumps, curves, or potholes in the road. Your boyfriend may cheat on you, he may hurt you and you end up having at least ten boyfriends. Your best friend may betray you, you may not graduate on time and you will change your major twenty times, not to mention that your boyfriend may take his sweet time asking you to marry him. So what should be the motto? THE LIFE YOU DREAM IS NEVER THE LIFE YOU GET. It can always take a turn and that turn could be for the worse.

I walked through the woods on my normal trail which went from behind my school to my backyard. The leaves on the trees had begun to turn orange, red and yellow, which signaled that fall had begun; fall was my favorite season. Every time that time of year came around I just felt like I got an adrenaline rush. I looked toward the sky to see the moon had already evolved and it hung low in the sky. I listened to the ruffling of the leaves as the cool breeze blew causing my hair to swirl around my face in madness. I walked faster trying to get home to the warm comfort of my house. The crunching of the leaves beneath my feet became louder. Wait! Hold on. . . that wasn't just my feet. I turned around.

"Booooo!" I jumped.

"Ughhh, Trey! What the hell, you're such an ass. What are you doing?" He didn't answer because he was too busy laughing hysterically.

"It isn't funny Trey," I said with a serious look on my face.

"Chill Mya, I'm sorry. I was just kidding," he said placing his arm over my shoulder. We walked together to my house.

"I don't even know why I put up with you," I said.

"Because you love me so much, and I'm your favorite person in the world," he replied.


"What? My, if it wasn't for me you would have still been crying twelve years ago when you fell."

"You will never get over that will you," I asked him.

"Of course not," he said. Trey was my best friend; we had become friends about twelve years ago when I fell and scraped my knees and hands. He helped me up, took me to his house and cleaned me up. He was a nice little boy, but now he is plain mean. I opened the gate to the back of my house and headed up the walkway. The aroma of fresh baked cookies smacked me in the face as I entered my house.

"Mmmhh, Mom's baking cookies." I laughed at how he would always call my mom "mom." We walked in the kitchen.

"Hey babies, I made ya'll some cookies," she said handing us a plate filled with cookies. Trey went to the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk while I grabbed myself a bottled water and we walked upstairs to my room. I placed the cookies in the middle of my floor and sat down with my back pressed against the foot of my bed. Trey sprawled out on the floor. I grabbed a cookie and it melted in my mouth. Yum! This was like heaven.

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