12. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second

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Trey's POV

I walked through the woods on the trail that me and Mya had walked on so many times. To be honest, I was beginning to lose hope. It had been three months. She had been living in the hospital for three months. I knew that people stayed in comas way longer than that, but I just wanted her to wake up. I just wanted to get it over with. I wanted my best friend back. I wanted her to wake up, tell us who did this, I beat his ass, he go to jail and then everything go back to normal. I missed the walks on the way to school, I missed eating dinner with her and her mom. I missed doing projects with her. I missed the nights we spent together whenever something was wrong. I just missed her in general and I wanted her back.

Mya's POV

I looked around the room. Where was I? The light was shining in so bright from the window and I could barely see. I tried closing and opening my eyes a few times to adjust to the light. It wasn't working and to make matters worse I had a killer headache and that annoying beeping sound wasn't making it better. What the hell was that? I decided on trying to move, but I couldn't. I felt so stiff, like I hadn't moved in weeks. I decided on calling for help.

"Mom!" I yelled as my throat stung. No answer

"Mom!" I yelled again. Still no answer. I began to panic. Why wasn't she answering me. Tears began to sting my eyes. I called out to her a few more times. I heard a door open.

"Oh sweetie you're awake. It's okay don't panic here let me close these blinds." The blinds clothes and the room became dim.

"Is that better" she asked. I ignored her and looked around the room. I was in a damn hospital. That explains the annoying beeping sound.

'Why am I here?" I asked her.

"I let the doctor talk to you about that, how are you feeling?" she asked

"Me head and throat hurts." I told her

"Okay I'll be back with some pain medicine and water." she said before walking through the door. I was confused. I mean why was I here and where was everybody at. I tried to rummage through my brain and remember what happened but nothing came. The last thing I remember is arguing with Trey. That meant that he was still mad at me. The lady came back in and brought me the water and medicine.

"Here you go. Okay I have contacted the doctor and your family. Your mom said she would be up here a.s.a.p, she's so excited." Around ten minutes later a lady entered who looked to be in here late thirties.

"Hi how are you?" she asked walking closer to me. I said nothing.

"Well I'm Dr. Rayand, can you tell me your name?" she asked

"Why?" I asked in return. I was getting kind of aggravated how they were asking me questions, but mine wasn't getting answered.

"So I can let you know why you are here." she said.

"Mya Turner," I replied

"How old are you?" she asked


"When's your birthday?"

"April 17" I told her.

"Can you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"Arguing with my best friend" I told her honestly. She let out a sigh.

"Mya you've have been in a coma in the hospital for three months."I let what she said sink in. I didn't know how to respond to what she was saying. I had seen this kind of stuff happen in movies all the time but I never thought it would happen to me.

"How did I get in a coma?" I asked her

"You were beaten and left in the woods to die." I was definitely wrong thinking that the last words she said was a big shocker. This was an even bigger shocker. Who would do that? Who would want to hurt me.

"Why. I mean who did it?" I asked her.

"We don't know. We were hoping you would know, but I knew there was a great chance that you wouldn't since you had a lot of head trauma. The cops will probably be here later on today to question you." I just looked straight ahead. I didn't know what to say. Someone had tried to kill me and I didn't even remember it.

"If you-" she started but was interrupted by my mom busting through the door and attackingme.

"Oh sweetie, I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you are awake." she said into my hair.

"I missed you too mom." I said returning the hug.

"Who did this?" She asked

"Did what mom?" I replied

"Who hurt you hunny?"

"Oh...... I don't know." I said feeling embarrassed that I couldn't remember.

"Ms. Turner, Mya has a case of amnesia; hopefully her memory will come back to her. It may come back in pieces or it may just hit her or it may not come back at all. We will just have to see, but for right now I'm going to get a therapist in here to stretch her. I know she's pretty stiff and we are going to get her something to eat, but nothing to hard because I know her throat is pretty sore. So I'll let you to catch up," she said leaving the room.

"Oh hunny, I've missed you so much." My mom said once again.

"Mom have I really been in here for three months?" I asked her

"Yes." she said

"What happened?" I asked her

" Let's not talk about that right now." she said

"Mom!" I said aggravated. She sighed

"You went missing. I called the cops. It took us a few days to find you. Someone had beaten you and left you in the woods to die." she said as her eyes began to mist.

"I'm sorry mom." I said looking away

"Oh hunny you have nothing to be sorry fo.r" she said. She hugged me and I rested my head against her chest. There was a knock at the door and I pulled out her embrace. Mom got up and went and answered the door.

"Is she really awake" He said as soon as mom answered the door. My mom nodded her head and moved out the way. Trey ran over to my bed and embraced me.

"God Mya I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you're awake." he said. He pulled back and looked into my eyes. Then he hugged me again.

"Don't you ever leave me again." he said. I smiled

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked him

"What no of course not!" he said grabbing my face.

"I've missed you too Trey." I said as I pulled him into another hug. He pulled back.

"Mya who did this to you?" he asked. I looked away.

"I don't know," I said

"Trey she doesn't remember." my mom said cutting in.

"Don't worry about it." he stated "Mom said she would be up here to see you as soon as she could leave work." he said

"Okay" I said with a smile.

"God I've missed that smile." he said. I laughed. The next two hours were spent talking with mom and Trey. I apparently had missed a lot. Trey left after he was forced by the doctors and mom because I had to do some type of therapy which left me tired. They had given me ice cream to eat which I loved. Mom left about an hour ago because I couldn't have overnight visitors until I got another room. So now I lay in my bed alone. The cops had not come yet. So Dr. Rayand said that they would most likely come tomorrow. Lance had not stopped by which I was kind of sad about. Mom said that she had called him and left a message and she assured me that he probably hadn't gotten it yet but he would be here was he did. I turned on my side and soon drifted off to sleep, wondering what tomorrow had in store for me.

Okay so just to let yall know. Mya does not remember anything that happened while she is in her paranormal state. So i hope that doesn't confuse yall or anything.

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