Chapter 19: Leaving

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"I'm leaving," Arden slammed the knife into the head of walker, blood splattering onto her gloved hands, "Tomorrow."

Maggie dropped her weapon and her jaw slackened, "What?"

"You heard me," Arden stated calmly and continued massacring the walkers which were compromising the fence.


Arden sighed and pulled the knife to her side, "It's complicated and I've been wanting to leave since I got here and now that winter is over I'm going. Talia and Hank are coming with me."

"Does this have to do with Daryl?"

Teeth clenched and that name made her heart clench because had she never met Daryl her life wouldn't be so complicated. In fact had she never met Daryl she would most likely be dead and how peaceful that would be. "No," she turned and stabbed a female walker in the forehead, her knife getting momentarily stuck, "It's not," the knife came free and Arden staggered backwards.

"You haven't talked to him all winter. When you walk into a room he leaves, when he walks in you leave. It's obvious that something happened and damn it Arden," Maggie grabbed Arden's arm forcing her to stop and look at her, "Tell me. Talk you never talk and now you are telling me that you're leaving and tell me why."

Arden sighed and pulled her arm out of Maggie's grasp, "We kissed."

"When!?" The short haired female became giddy and curious but the excitement was not matched by Arden who hated remembering that night.

"A while ago. It was a mistake and it's too hard being around each other so I'm leaving. I need to find Matt anyway."

"When are you going to stop," Maggie whispered, her eyes staring at her mud covered boots, "You might never find him and you're willing to give up everything you have here for him."

"Matt is all I have," Arden removed her gloves so she could tie her hair up, "I don't have anything here, I never did and I never will so I'm not sticking around."

"This isn't what Daryl wants. He'd never admit it but I can see that he wants you around, he won't be happy when you leave. None of us will."

"I don't care," and it was a lie because the thought of never seeing anyone at the prison again made Arden want to vomit, "I just thought you should know so you're not surprised when I'm gone. I'm not telling anyone else just since you brought me here thought you deserved a goodbye."

Arden left the gloves and knife lying on the ground and walked away, desperate to remove herself from Maggie's disappointed gaze and truthful words. The realization that Arden did not want to leave had hit when she noticed the first flower blooming. She had been standing outside waiting in line for breakfast. The prison group had grown over the winter and the concrete building had become home. Daryl had worked to create a patio for the residents, a place to eat their meals once spring arrived. It was beautiful and Carol and Beth had planted flowers and the first had bloomed, a petite daisy with its petals reaching towards the sky. It reminded Arden of her decision to leave and she was filled with regret and that night considered staying. Considered talking to Daryl and trying to work something out but then she remembered Matt. She remembered her promise and she remembered what she had witnessed, what she had done and she knew that she could never stay here. Happiness could not be found in these prison walls.

Each step filled Arden with an unexplainable feeling and upon seeing her prison cell with its make shift decorations and floral blankets she found it difficult to breathe. Talia and Hank didn't have much to pack and they had said they would ready their things in the early morning hours. Arden found it necessary to begin packing now. She pulled everything off her wall, threw things from the shelves to the floor and then sat in the middle of the mess she made. Carefully she packed things into the orange duffle bag she had arrived with.

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