⇢ Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

Hitoshi stands over his lazy uncle who is sleeping under his blanket with Naurto playing on the TV. "Hey old man, wake up!" Hitoshi yells as he looks over his uncle.  "Leave me alone." Shota mumbles underneath his blankets. "Okay, you asked for this." Hitoshi rolled his eyes before he body slams right on Shota.

"What the hell?! Get the fuck off of me!" Shota yells at Hitoshi as he pushes him off while Hitoshi laughs loudly. "I told you I was coming over and tried to wake you up nicely but you wanna be a dick so I jumped on you." Hitoshi explains as his laugh slowly died down but had a smile still on his face.

"What the hell, are you 5? You could have killed me!" Shota sat up while rubbing his back to sooth out the pain. "Yeah, so I can collect your insurance money." Hitoshi replied as he gets up and sticks out his tongue at Shota.

"Remind me to take you off my insurances, you damn brat." Shota grumbles as he throws a pillow at Hitoshi who jumps out the way. "Whatever, old man. So where's my gift?" Hitoshi asked with a smile holding his hand out with his head tilted.

"What gif..? Oh shit, today's your birthday." Shota mumbled in realization, just remembering. "Wow, you forgot your favorite nephew's birthday? I'm so hurt." Hitoshi said, putting the back of his hand on his head being extra dramatic.

"You're my only nephew dumbass. And stop being so damn dramatic, I didn't forget your gift. It's by the computer," Shota says as he points to a brown bag sitting by his computer like he said. Hitoshi skips to the computer like a little kid, a wide smile on his face excited to see what it is. Shota just laughs at the sight of Hitoshi skipping reminding him when he was little and would do the same thing every time he would get a gift.

"Thanks Uncle... What the hell is this?!" Hitoshi says as he pulls out a box of condoms and lube. Shota burst out laughing at the sight of Hitoshi's face as he held the items. "It's your gift so you can use it tonight with your boyfriend~ Also, look, there is something else in there too." Shota breathes out while wiping the tears and rubbing his sore stomach from laughing so hard.

"What the hell is this?! A gag ball? Why the hell I need this for?!" Hitoshi held the gag ball with confusion and disgust the glares at Shota. "Since he's so damn loud, I thought it would be perfect to shut him up." Shota said before he began laughing again, so hard his face turned red.

"Fuck you, you old man!" Hitoshi pouted while throwing the gag ball, condom and lube back in the brown back. "He is loud but shit, I don't need this! Besides, we aren't doing it.." Hitoshi mumbles trying to stop his Uncle from laughing. "Okay, okay! Your real gift is under the computer. No tricks and no games." Shota says as he tried to catch his breath.

Hitoshi walks over to the computer again to find a box, worried about what it is, he carefully opens the box to find a brand new laptop and a few games he wanted. "Holy shit, a new laptop! I needed one and these are the games I always wanted! Thanks, Uncle." Hitoshi exclaims with a wide smile, looking at the black haired male.

"Yeah, your mother told me your laptop was on its last days, and I saw the cart you left in my Amazon account so I knew you wanted them." Shota says with a small eye roll but had a smile on his face too. "Well, I was planning on buying them but I thought I'd leave them so you can get them for me instead. But the laptop was a surprise, I really did need a new one." Hitoshi says as he sits on the floor opening his new laptop.

"Yeah, I figure that but why didn't you just tell me you needed a new one?" Shota asked looking at Hitoshi who's smiling like a little kid. "Because you already do so much for me and I didn't want to bother you about it. Besides, you're my Uncle and as much as I wish you were my father, you're not and I didn't want to be a burden." Hitoshi mumbles, looking down at his hands.

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