⇢ Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

    "Hell, NO!" Shota yelling startles both Hitoshi and Deku, who were laying down on the couch watching a movie.

    "Aw! Come on, it's only for one day, please??!!" Hizashi is heard begging to Shota. "Hell fucking no, I don't want them here so leave me the fuck alone, shit-butt." Shota yells at Hizashi as he pushes him out the room.

    "Baby please, it's one day. I'll do anything. Please, Shota, anything you want!" Hizashi presses his face against the door. "What the hell is this about now?" Hitoshi whispers to Deku.

    "The team is suppose to come over today," Deku whispers back. "Wait, I thought it was Saturday's they come over?" Hitoshi asked.

    "Yeah, but since coach canceled yesterday, he's having them come over today so he can help them with their projects." Deku says as he snuggles up to Hitoshi. "Projects? Aren't ya suppose to practice for your volleyball match that's coming up?" Hitoshi tilts his head to the side. "We suck even if we practice." Deku replied immediately making Hitoshi stifle a laugh.

    "Hey love birds, help me out here please." Hizashi says as he pushes his way in between Deku and Hitoshi. "I'm not getting in this, Coach. Sorry, but Shota is scary when he's mad." Deku replied as he tries to push Hizashi out the way to get back to Hitoshi.

    "Yeah, same Sensei. Uncle is scary and move your flat butt out the way, Deku was warming me up." Hitoshi grunted as he finally pushes Hizashi off the couch who rolled on the floor then landed on his back.

    "Aw! You both are mean like the DAMN GRINCH!" Hizashi yelled out the last part with a small huff, crossing his arms with a pout. Shota opens his door and throws Hizashi clothes at him, sticks up his middle finger and slams his door close once more. Hizashi gets up throwing his clothes everywhere and his underwear landing on poor Deku's head

    "COACH!!!" Deku squeals as he throws the underwear while Hitoshi tries not to laugh only to get hits lightly by Deku. "Shota, please! I'll do anything you want. I'll let you tie me up and whip me. Anything, please!" Hizashi begs more, getting on his knees in front of the door.

    "Sensei, I would be careful on what you say. Uncle has a sadist side." Hitoshi says as he warns Hizashi and Deku gags in the background from what Hizashi said. "You'll do anything?" Shota asked as he opens his door, just only a crack.

    Hizashi looks up at Shota in horror to see Shota's creepy smile. "Y-Yes, anything/" Hizashi mumbles. "Poor Sensei, he's now screwed. Uncle has his sadist smile. RIP Sensei's ass." Hitoshi says as he puts his hands together as if he was praying, Deku does the same as well.

    "Fine. Those brats can come over, even the loud mouth. You are paying for all the food and drinks. And tonight, I'm breaking you." Shota says as he walks back in the room. Hizashi still on his knees looks at Hitoshi who is still praying for him.

    "Fuck, I don't know if I should be scared or turned on." Hizashi thought. After some time and food shopping, the boys showed up. "Oh wow, I can't believe we're in the monster's house." Denki says as he enters Shota's house, looking away.

    "Who the hell you calling a monster, Pikachu?" Shota says as he stood by the kitchen scaring poor Denki. "Sorry about that, he's a bit special." Todoroki apologized, patting Denki on the head who pouted.

    Sero and Kirishama laughs at Denki who even pouts harder as his friends laughs at him. "Haha! You're the new Pikachu!" Sero slaps his knee as if that was the funniest joke in the entire galaxy.

    "Why the hell you laughing for? You look like Croagunk." Shota sassed back at Sero. Both Sero and Denki look at each other and then playfully puts their heads down as Kirishima continues to cry-laugh in the background.

    "Hey Hitoshi, your uncle is cool. He knows his Pokemon's." Denki says to Hitoshi as he pats him on his shoulder. "Oh, do Kirishima next! What Pokemon will he be?" Sero asked as Kirishima calms down his laugher, wiping his tears away.

    "I would but then his loud ass boyfriend would throw a bitch fit." Shota says as he eyes Bakugo who walks in. "Who you calling a loud mouth, old man." Bakugo mumbles as Kirishima holds his hands trying to keep him calm. Hizashi already told Bakugo to keep his volume at a negative 0.5 or else, he'll be the one cleaning the school's bathroom with a toothbrush. Of course Bakugo didn't listen but Kirishima whispered something in his ear and now he's cooperating.

    "Why's there more boys than before? I don't remember that kid." Shota pointed to a blond kid he never seen before. "Ah, that's Aoyama Yuuga. He shows up once in a blue. You can say he's the water boy." Hizashi says with a laugh.

    "He usually helps the girls out from the costume department. Also, I think he's dating Sero." Todoroki says as he stands next to Hizashi, scaring the shit outta the blond man who squealed (literally), while eating a icy. "What the Hell, Shoto! Stop sneaking up on me, you damn ninja." Hizashi yells after being scared by Todoroki, fixing his shirt as if he was attacked.

    "You didn't see him there, you melon head? He's been standing there since he got here." Shota says as he grabs the bags Todoroki was holding with his free hand. "It's okay, I'm used to it. Besides, it's fun scaring coach. He screams like a little girl." Todoroki says with a smile as he walks back to Denki. "I don't scream like a little girl!" Hizashi argues and huffs. "And yeah, yeah! Scaring your poor coach, so much fun—wait Yuuga is dating Sero? I thought Sero was dating Mina?" Hizashi says confused.

    "Huh? No, me and Mina were friends with benefits. Besides, I finally got the one I want. Ain't that right, babe?" Sero says as he puts his arm around Yuuga's shoulder. "Yeah, after how many times I turned you down." Yuuga sassed back and Sero acted as if it hurt his feelings. All the boys started laughing at Sero's act.

    "Damn everyone is dating everyone, huh?" Shota mumbles to him self. "Damn, everyone is gay, huh?" Hizashi replied back to Shota. "Expect for Tenya, all the ladies love him." Hitoshi answered back, popping up behind Hizashi, also scaring the shit outta him.

"God damnit! Would you guys stop doing that?!" Hizashi yelled as he pouted and walked into Shota's room while everyone was laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Iida asked as he walked into the house wondering whats going on. "Coach is acting like a baby because Toshi and Todoroki scared him." Deku tells Iida as he wipes his tears from laughing so hard.

Iida, still confused, walks up to Shota and handed him a box of cakes Ochaco made for him and everyone else. Of course Shota keeps it all for himself, such a greedy man..

Sorry for the delay.. this chapter was super long so I decided to cut it into two chapters so chapter 19 should be out soon. Hopefully. Maybe. I hope.

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