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||A/N: Okay so I had been thinking about creating this type of Kanda x Reader instead of the one I already had since I began to get writers block for that one and thought of making this...if people like this one enough then I'll continue this one and delete the other as to this one any Kanda fan girl can be 'that person'....I know I'm changing the anime plot but it's just for this story...||

30 Years ago....

The world was ravished by the war between Exorcists and The Earl along with this clan of Noah, the war had been going on to most what felt like forever. It was an endless battle between both side who were either trying to protect the world or destroy it.

Countless lives were already lost and the war wasn't going to let up anytime soon, no matter who you were it was only a matter of when or how you'd die in a war like this. But people some reason still held hope that one day they would win. least two people did.

A couple who worked for The Black Order was walking back to HQ as their most recent mission had ended, one was a man with short blonde hair and the other a women with (H/C)medium length hair that was held up in a ponytail.

Hand in hand the couple spoke about different things, odd times the women would have a giggle escape her lips as the man she loved so dearly just chuckled and gave her a small smile for only her to see.

When they noticed a run down lotus field the women gasped and went to stand in it as she looked around and frowned as she had hopes of seeing at least one flower blooming. When her man asked her about it she then spoke up.
"Hey do you know this flower?" She asked.

When she got a response of no she then spoke up again.

"It's a Lotus flower, their born from mud yet they reach towards the sky. And fill the world with their sweet fragrance. Sound familiar to you? They make me think of us, of Exorcists born to serve the world." She explained.

The women loved flowers, she and her sister both shared the same tenderness for them. Whenever they were out on missions together and if they saw a flower they didn't know of before the two of them would go to the library and see which flower it was and talk about it for hours.

Smiling the women turned around a bit to get a better look at the run down lotus flowers.

"You know what would be nice? To see a whole field like this in full bloom, if only...maybe we can get to see it together someday." She said, smiling.

The man she loved spoke up behind her wordlessly and sealed a promise between them, binding the two together forever. When he said all that the women turned around and smiled towards her beloved.

"Really? Well I promise even when we both grow old, I'll wait for you. Forever. I'll be waiting." She promised back.


After they made a promise that they knew would bind them together forever the couple decided to head back to HQ to report back, however before they could even make it back they were attacked by loads of akuma.

This made both exorcists get ready for battle and focus on getting out alive....sadly though the women had been fighting injured as well as her beloved. Thus she had passed and her beloved followed moments after.

Unable to get to his girlfriend's side because of his own injuries he was forced to lay there as his wounds bleed through his uniform and it was there he knew he would die along side his beloved. So with the remaining of his strength he reached up towards the sky.

"Reaching...towards the sky..." He spoke.

Feeling his strength give out slightly his hand fell a bit before he reached out towards the blue sky once more.

"I love you...forever." He spoke again.

But this caught the sight of an akuma, it thanked the man for giving himself away before landing the final blow killing the man. As it walked away it laughed and went to go take more lives.


People within The Black Order came upon the dead bodies of the couple and decided that since they couldn't afford to lose this war that these two would be perfect to be placed in what would become The Second Exorcist Program.

"They've been dead for a hour or two now, they are to be placed them in the Second Exorcist Program." A man spoke
"We keep losing to many Exorcists...what makes you think this will work?" Another asks.
"It has to! We can't afford to lose this war!" Another yelled.

With that in mind they brought the two bodies of the lovers into the Asian Branch of The Black Order, the bodies were then placed within the plan that they were currently doing at the moment and hoped one day these two would reawaken and become the hope of humanity.


Elsewhere a blonde women who wore a Exorcist coat that looked like a dress had just recently been told her sister was killed by an akuma attack just as she and her beloved were on their way back, heartbroken the women left to her room to be alone and just cried.

No more would she be able to greet her sister from any missions she took, no more would she see her beloved little sisters smile and the hugs the pair of sisters always gave before and after missions was no more.

Everything up until now that they had came to a screaming halt.

'Were you scared as you laid dying...sis?' She thought.

As she spent sometime in her room mourning the loss of her beloved sister she soon remembered the promise they made months before.

**Flash Back**

Just outside the HQ of The Black Order two sisters were seen sitting beside one another by a beautiful pond that held some daisy's, the sisters had been seen talking away or giggling at whatever one of the sisters spoke about.

"Sis promise me no matter what we will return to one another, that we will forever remain close. That even if we die we will be this close as sisters forever." The blonde women said.
"Of course sis! I promise! I love you so much sis and I'm happy to be able to fight along side you even if our jobs aren't that good." You smiled.
"Then it's settled your gonna have to deal with your man and myself forever." The blonde teased.

Laughing at her sisters blushing face she brought her little sister into her arms for a hug, their cheeks pressed together as they smiled from the embrace and then began to speak about some flowers they saw on their former missions ago.

**Flash Back End**

Smiling sadly she knew those memories would now be the source of her determination to live and continue on with this job, getting rid of akuma whenever the mission was set and where ever it would be.

However she too soon met the same fate and was sent in for the same program that The Black Order had hidden from her. No one was told of this project as they made sure to keep it tight lipped.

And so for the passed 30 years....the three exorcists who had fallen soon would meet again..

Only this time....none of them would have memories of one another.

Not the lovers....

Nor the siblings...

Would their promises be fulfilled??

Shōgai No Yakusoku - [Kanda Yuu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now