Chapter 4

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Edgar one day found himself looking for the three kids but had soon  found the three of you in the library looking through books again, like  usual Yuu was looking at a Japanese book while you and Alma were looking  through more pages of more flower books.

"So beautiful...." You muttered.
"Yeah they sure are!" Alma smiled.
"Oh look! A Lotus flower!" You cheered.

Yuu  over heard and soon flinched a bit when he noticed some lotus flowers  falling from the sky then gently landing on the ground around the couch  they were sitting on. Looking around his eyes noticed one seemed to be  in your hand but when he rubbed his eyes and looked again they were  gone.

'What was that?' Yuu thought.

"Yuu!  Did you know that the seeds of a Lotus flower can sleep in the soil for a  thousand years? And then one day they will bloom again!" You asked.
"No why the hell would I know that?" Yuu sighed.
"Well this book says so, it says everything about them! They're so pretty..." You smiled.

Looking  at the Lotus flower picture on the page in the book you take your small  hand and gently place it on the picture when Edgar decides to interrupt  you three. When he spoke up you three looked in his direction.

"Okay you three, time to come eat your trails will be later today." Edgar told.

By  now the pain of those trials were getting numb, the constant feeling of  your body ripping apart in some places sadly became natural for you  all. Placing the books on the table all three of you followed Edgar out  of the library and into the canteen.


Sitting  between Yuu and Alma you ate (F/F), it had become your favorite thing  to eat when you first tried it then you always requested it. As you were  eating your food a lotus flower landed right beside your hand and  Yuu's.

" you see that Lotus flower?" You asked, pointing at that area.
"Where?" Yuu asked.

Your gaze turned to Yuu only for a minute when you looked back it was gone, feeling embarrassed you mumbled a 'never mind' and blushed faintly. Going back to eating your food you weren't sure why you were now seeing Lotus flowers...

'First that man now Lotus I crazy?' You thought, frowning.

"Something wrong, (Y/N)?" Edgar asked.
"No!" You replied.

You  weren't sure if telling anyone other then Yuu and Alma was a good  idea...would they believe you? No...they wouldn' would make them  think you were lying so you continued to keep it a secret.

Both  you and Yuu continued to see either 'that man' or 'that women' and also  some Lotus flowers from time to time, still unsure what this was you  both kept silent about it...

...Until one day it started to effect you both mentally to where it started to hurt...


As  usual during one time of the day all three of you would walk to were  the others were asleep in and speak to them...well you and Alma did  while Yuu sat on the ground leaning back on a pillar behind him.

Yuu  raised his hand over his face and suddenly got a 'vision' of 'that  women', she had beautiful medium (H/C) hair that was held up in a high  ponytail, her coat was that of an exorcist, and she was smiling in his  direction but he couldn't really see her all that well.

"It'd be nice to see the flowers before the petals fall." She spoke.

'I can barely see her, move your damn hand! What?' Yuu thought.

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