Chapter 5

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||A/N: I cried while writing this chapter...please forgive me  you guys! I didn't want to write what happened but....ahh there's no  reason for it! Please forgive me you guys!||

Alma  managed to find the innocence and was able to synchronize with it as  his desire to save both of you allowed him too, however he killed the  three Crow members and were so shocked at the sight he saw..

The  original bodies of there's from 30 years ago, the poor kid stood in  front of one that he recognized as his former life, unknown to him  though his sisters - yours was right beside his former life.

Tears  rolled down his cheeks as he slowly raised his hand to the body in  front of him, finally he himself started to remember of his previous  life. One of a (H/C) haired women who smiled as she stood beside a short  haired blonde man who held the girl in his arms.

Alma could tell and remember those two were lovers, his dear friend and sister.

Next  thing Alma knew he remembered the promise his previous self made with  the (H/C) women who was indeed his previous life's sister.


'She said that we were like Lotus flowers, they grow from the mud and make the world fragrant. They make it a better place.' - Yuu.

'But they wilt and die in the end, they die and they sink back into the mud.' - You.

Tui  and Renny closed both of your eyes and soon mourned for the two  children who they were forced to put to sleep, if only things didn't go  like this then maybe you two would be able to maybe bring a brighter  future passed this war.

When the adults left they didn't  realize that both kids who were laying close to one another on those  strange beds were remembering one another - from their previous lives.  They remembered their promise to one another and that fueled their  desire to see the other.

Waking up quickly painful shocks  returned to the both of you and once again the room was filled with both  of your scream, why were you resisting? Why were you fighting this? You  both couldn't take it anymore!

'Her face is so faint I don't even know her name, can't remember. They alienated my memories. So why...' Yuu thought.

'I can remember how his eyes look at me anymore, not even his name...they ruined that. Why..' You thought.

"Why can't I get rid of the desire to be with her/him?!" You and Yuu shout.

In  that moment the innocence reacted to both of you and appeared before  you, both as a blade. Shocked you glared at it then closed your eyes not  wanting to even look at the damn thing that forced your life in this  hell.

But just then the memory of 'that man' appeared in your head, just as 'that women' reminded Yuu.

'But I can use this to survive....I want to be with her.' Yuu thought.

'If I use this...will I be able to see him again?' You thought.

Both  of you reached out towards the innocence determined to find the other,  you were going to live to see them again no matter what it took. You  wanted to be with the one you loved so badly so that you can keep your  promise to one another.

Not to mention you wanted to be  reunited not just with the man you love but also your beloved sister who  wanted to be near you for as long as the world let you two, the  memories you shared with her brought both desires to be with that man  and your sister again flow.

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