Chapter 2

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Your body still hurt from the recent trial you had gotten out of,  Alma and Yuu both took you to the cafeteria to get some food. You had  walked slow due to the pain and it seemed like the boys decided to walk  the same pace you had been to keep you good company.

As you  arrived an old man named Zu was baking some sweets for the three  children of the project, the mere fact that three awakened was amazing  not only to him but anyone who worked within The Second Exorcist  Program.

Once all three of you kids walked in and saw Edgar  speaking to someone, when he noticed the three of you he smiled and  walked towards you all, crouching down to your heights he then spoke.

"Hey you three, finally here huh?" Edgar asks.
"Yeah! We went to go get (Y/N)! Couldn't forget about our new friend!" Alma smiles.
"Che...friend..." Yuu scoffed.
"Well I'm glad you two are making her feel welcome and aren't leaving her alone." Edgar smiled.

Edgar then switched his gaze towards you, pretty much the only one out of three who was bandaged up for now.

"How are you feeling, (Y/N)?" Edgar asks.
"I'm fine..." You reply.
"That's good, come and have some sweets!" Edgar smiles again.

Blinking  you let him gently grab your hand and guide you to a table where no one  was at much, picking you up he sits you down on the seat and sits  beside you as Alma and Yuu sit in front of you both. Taking a bowl he  scoops some (F/IC) and then sets it in front of you soon as he places a  spoon inside.

"Here you go, have some ice cream." Edgar says.

Careful  with your bandaged hands you hold the bowl with one hand and in the  other the spoon, gently scooping up some ice cream in the spoon you then  bring it to your mouth and eat some. Liking the taste your face lights  up and you smile towards Edgar.

Your first smile since you were born!

Smiling  at Alma and Yuu as well the three of you enjoy the small bowls of ice  cream, though Yuu doesn't seem to really like it all that much so he was  given some other to eat. However just as you were gonna soon finish  your ice cream that man returned back in that misty form you saw before.

"You did always love sweets..." That man says.

Your  eyes widen but he soon disappeared making you frown, since no one  really saw you react that way you weren't sure if you should tell  anyone. Only people who knew were Yuu and Alma for the moment.  wouldn't be until months later that you'd realize you weren't going to  be the only one seeing and also remembering stuff from your previous  life.


You soon though found  out that Alma and Yuu would get into these really bad fights ones where  their limbs at times would be torn off. The most recent fight? Is when  Yuu had yelled at you and Alma for following him around.

Alma  wanted to be friends and even though it had nearly been over a few weeks  since you met the boys you still weren't sure what to make of this  place, let alone how to befriend Yuu. Though you weren't really effected  by his harsh personality nor his cold looking eyes.

"You don't need to yell at her! She's just a girl who want's to be friends with you!" Alma shouts.
"The both of you are so creepy! Why do you always smile like that!" Yuu shouts.
"Well the least we can do is be there for (Y/N)! She's only been here for a few weeks! Be more kind to her!" Alma replies.

And  the fight took off to throwing things, punching one another and  managing to rip a limb from one another making you nearly puke and faint  at the sight of it. But Edgar and a few others stepped in and stopped  them.

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