My Euphoria

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**Loosely based off of euphoria legit its just cuz they had black hair that i made this**

"Painting makes you become the starving artist." Is what your mom always told you, even going as far as to tell you that you would be disowned if you didn't throw away that dastardly sketchbook. Of course, when you believe in something you, Y/n, go all the way through with it. So, yeah you are kinda famous for being a painter who does amazing portraits. 'So suck it mom, i became the fat artist not starving at all.' You thought to yourself.

Ring, ring ring. Came the phone. Getting up you made your way to the phone hoping that it would suddenly go to voicemail. Sadly, you made it to the phone before such blessed happenings could happen to you. 'Swear to gawd if this isn't a customer than I might just scream, like how dare you interrupt me from doing nothing!' "Hi, This is L/n from L/n Portraits, how may we be of service today?" (LMAO that sounds like a porn entrance thingy.) A gruff voice blessed your ear saying. "Hi, we wish to request 3 portraits and 1 group portrait." 'Holy shiiit that's expensive I will be set for a month if I accept!!' "Of course, do you have set dates in your mind when you want me to come over and start the portraits?" You asked trying to keep the happiness from seeping in through your voice.

I heard him walk away and muttering over on the other side, then he came back. "No, set dates just come when we call you please." He demanded from me. "Yes..." "Kim, TaeHyung Kim." "Thank you Kim TaeHyung. I will see you whenever you call me." 'Stop talking to me ugh I just want to do nothing okay-just die in a hole and be nothing ugh.' He hung up, finally.

Ring, ring, ring. "Who the fuck is calling me now like bruh, let me doing nothing!" You picked up the phone, already slightly pissed from being interrupted the first time. "What do you want?" Your voice sounded grouchy to the pale, turtle looking man (LMAO WHO DIS). He sputtered,than his voice grew hard and he said. "Min Yoongi, here, I am demanding you to make me a portrait. I want it to be amazing and if it isn't then I won't pay you." "Okay, DAD anything else you want?" "Actually, yes," You huffed. "When you are here you must refer to me as either Daddy or Master. Understood? Good." He hung up leaving me standing there with my mouth wide open. 'This guy- YoonMi or whatever has the audacity to tell ME that I have to call Daddy? I refuse to be forced to call someone I don't know Daddy!!UGH!'

Ring, ring, ring, went the phone again. Pissed off even more you stomped over to the phone. "What the fuck do you want." You half shouted into the phone. "I want you to paint me and be my baby doll (lmao self promo guys im gonna be uploading the first chappy of His Doll soon)." "No No hell no I am apparently already called by some dude named YoonMi or whatever, well the portrait I can." "Fucking YoonGi, well you tell him that he can wait in line because I want you more." "What the fuck, I don't even know your name-""Jung HoSeok, but you can call me Daddy." This time you hung up on him. Silencing your phone, you went over to your couch and laid there. Bathed in the silence you smiled in happiness.

Later, you woke up to see a strange man sitting in front of you, playing on your PS4. "BRUH, do I know you?" You not so kindly asked him. "Hmm, oh no you don't but I want you to do my portrait and I tried calling you, but you weren't answering so I went to your house." "DUde it is fricken 3:30 a.m., this couldn't wait til tomorrow?" He hummed and then smiling said. "Nope! Oh and my name is Jeon JungGuk, can I call you noona?" Tiredly you attempted to give him your most pissed off face. "Yes, whatever now get out I want to sleep." Walking him over and shoving him out the door you locked it. Realizing you weren't going back to sleep, you made breakfast. While eating, your best friend JiMin burst in through the door. "Y/n, I just saw one of the infamous leaders of a mafia walk out of the apartment building! Are you okay?!" He paused. "Wait, why are you awake?" You glared at him and told him. "Some guy wanting me to do a self portrait of him woke me up. It's whatever though."

**OOH wowie okay for this story I might update once a week because I have so many other stories and go check them out! Author out! heheh I'm gonna fuck it up by making the reader have a kid lmao**

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