Chapter Eleven (Them evil plans+Author's really long note)

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Okay, this time I will make DannyDarko and EvilTDM appear for this chapter only. Yes, this chapter only unless I forget and place them on other chapters after eleven.

Meanwhile when everyone was explaining to DanTDM about what happened in real life (yes, that means Twinkle's story is explained by someone else), somewhere in the Dream realm were DannyDarko and EvilTDM hiding... somewhere (yes I have no idea what it is), arguing about EvilTDM's behavior.

"And I thought you knew how to become evil!" DannyDarko argued.

"Well it's a shame that you had to be tackled down!" EvilTDM defended.

"I was controlling Dan! And he didn't even have the same powers as me!" DannyDarko hollered.

They both kept arguing while Denton was drawing something that neither DannyDarko or EvilTDM knew because of them fighting. But not only would he stop those people from arguing, he can't go off and do his plan alone. Now that they were a team, no one is supposed to leave without someone else accompanying that person. So Denton just stayed there, finishing what he drew while the two people are arguing about power and behavior and stuff. As soon as DannyDarko and EvilTDM started to fight, Denton immediately stopped it.

"Look kiddos! I think I have a plan!" Denton hollered to them

"We're not kiddos!" DannyDarko and EvilTDM shouted at the same time.

"Well finally you agreed on that one thing," Denton commented before continuing. "It's mainly simple. Keep using that Dan dude and maybe it would drive him insane or somewhat."

But DannyDarko shook his head. "It's probably awefull. Those other kids would get me before this plan works. Either way, I won't do it, even though it could work."

"In the other hand, it can work with me!" EvilTDM replied, expression being brightened.

"NO." Both Denton and DannyDarko yelled at the same time.

Suddenly, silence. DannyDarko and EvilTDM haven't started fighting, like both of them promised, and Denton thinking to himself. He had three ideas however, but knew that neither those ideas would work or approved by the others. He knew at some point, this could be their surrender to those pesky group, though they have come a long way till this. Then, he had an idea. Grabbing that paper he wrote, he ran off to the Testing Chamber and did some work. DannyDarko nor EvilTDM knew what was happening until Denton opened the door to them.

"Come on in," He said.

They got inside to see what he came up with-and they were confused. There standing with their eyes was only a tube with a robot inside. They looked at Denton for what even is going on here, but Denton was already at the monitors, punching some keys for some reason. Then the robot punched the glass so hard, it shattered the tube keeping him inside. His look then changed from a metal body to a DanTDM imposter. Still they both looked confused.

"Well duh! We can use this instead of controlling that guy!" Denton explained. "That way, you won't waste your time being on that one person without power, and this would get the group tricked into coming here!"

"Ohhh" DannyDarko and EvilTDM said at the same time, now fully understanding what it is.

The robot looked at Denton, then to those guys looking at him.

"What do you want me to do, boss?" Dan robot asked.

Author's note (it's very long):

Yep, this is delayed, I get it. Chapters are slowly getting a gap between them, and we're not exactly near the end. As of now, this story has passed the halfway mark, and there would be upcoming tests for me in the future. Yay school. Hope you're still enjoying this "series" even though i'm not sure if it is or not. It depends on how the future me would want with the series.

Speaking of determining this sequels and series and stuff, I may change the deadline for the people that want this series to end or continue. Why you may ask? At that time, I would be a bit busy with other stuff, so i'll just say that right now so I wont go with that April Fools joke again. Or just say something in the next part "The entire part where the Author rambles about deadlines and stuff". Obviously I dont know what your reaction would be like if you saw that... and would only place some sentences and i'll be done when I should have said this right now.

If you want me to continue this series, then tell me in the comments in Chapter nine (Fear), which is not the one with the term "for real". If you don't want me to continue and end it right now, then do the same thing by April 20. I just wanted to see how much people would rather continue on with the same characters (though I might shorten the mains a little bit) or would want to stop and leave as it is and move on to other stories that includes Youtube characters in here, but as a different story and being apart, or just other stuff like Undertale AUs, MLP, etc.

As for the people who were fans of MLP, but didn't see anything pony-like, i'll explain here. So Twinkle, a dream character that was also my MLP OC, is the pony here. I'll include more characters that are my OCs or just the ponies you know and love when I needed it. And yes, there are no alt endings because... this is going to be weird if I placed an alt ending as the Squad winning again or Squad fleeing and being ded. And some endings, like "May wins" are very boring to read, because I didn't add some sort of reason why. All that happened is that the Squad's powers have failed and just running off... screaming.

So in the end, sorry if the story is being delayed, less MLP characters, or this note is very VERY long. I just wanted to clear out some things and add in some stuff that I didn't get to say in the April Fools chapter. So yea, see ya until the next chapter.

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