Part 2: Chapter 14

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Hermione was pacing back and forth in front of Ron and Draco, who were sitting down.
"What new teachers are there this year, any?" Ron asked.
"The only one I don't remember seeing before is that tall woman that sits at the end of the teachers' table, but I don't even know what she teaches," Hermione murmered.
"Professor Anglia, I know her," Draco piped up. She's not an actual teacher, she's an assistant."
"Well, that would explain why I've seen her popping in and out of classes," Hermione said. "What have you noticed about her?"
"She seems alright... Not very quiet. She seems to want to have an actual job at the school as a teacher."
"Is she the primary assistant of someone here, or does she just assist everyone?" Hermione asked.
"Mostly I see her with Snape, but I've seen her checking in with everyone else..."
"Maybe Professor Snape would know something," Hermione muttered.
"Hermione, you can't seriously be thinking—" Ron began.
"Ron, this is Harry we're thinking of. His safety depends on finding out who is trying to poison him!" Hermione said.
"Why can't we just tell Dumbledore?" Ron said.
"We should tell Dumbledore, but if it's one of the teachers, that he himself hired in the first place... Well, that wouldn't look so good for him, would it?"
"Come off it, Hermione, Dumbledore can handle his own reputation," Ron said.
"Not around the ministry, he can't!" Hermione exclaimed. "If the ministry heard about this, he could get into a lot of trouble! They'd find a way to blame him for it, I know they would..."
"Well, we can't just go and "ask Snape" anything, you know he wouldn't take us seriously," Ron said. Suddenly, he looked at Draco, Hermione following suite.
"Me? You want me to talk to him?" Draco said.
"Well, you're his favorite student, so, er, yeah, we want you to talk to him," Ron said.
"I suppose..."
"He is the potions master," Hermione said. "He'd be the best to talk to about something poison-related."
"When Harry wakes up, you can take him with you to Snape's office and ask him about it," Ron said.
Draco nodded, looking over at Harry, a worried look in his eyes.

"Harry? When you're fully awake, we have to go see Professor Snape," Draco murmered to a half-asleep Harry.
Harry groaned and stretched. "Why?" He said groggily, reaching for his glasses.
"We have to talk to him about this poison thing that's been going on," Draco said. "It can't be a mistake. Someone's doing it on purpose."
"Who's to say Snape's not the one doing it," Harry muttered under his breath.
"Harry, he wouldn't do that. Are you awake now?"
"Yeah, I suppose so," Harry said, yawning and getting out of the hospital wing bed.
"Madam Pomfrey said you could leave in the morning, she already gave you something for the poison. Anyway, we need to find out who's doing this."
"It's probably just some Death Eater or something."
"How do you sound so calm about this?" Draco said, stopping to look at him.
"Because they've already tried twice and they failed both times, because I had you to save me," Harry said, smiling at him.
"Damn you, stop being so sweet," Draco said, a smile threatening to cover his seriousness. They had reached Snape's office. Draco knocked on the door, and opened it when he heard a deep voice say "enter".
He stepped into the dim office, where Professor Snape was staring expectantly at them.
"Sir, we needed to talk to you about something," Draco said.
Snape raised his eyebrows at him. "Yes?"
Draco looked at Harry, and Harry looked at Draco, telling him with his eyes to keep going.
"Well... Harry's been poisoned twice this year and we don't think it's a mistake," Draco said awkwardly.
Snape gave him a strange look. "I do not have time for your disturbances, Mr. Malfoy, unless you have a valid and understandable point."
"I mean, someone put something in his juice earlier this year and he almost died! And then just yesterday, someone did something to his pancakes, and he almost died again!"
"How unfortunate. Your point?" Snape said, seemingly unfazed by this news.
"Sir, this is serious, I'm not lying. We thought you might be able to help figure this out..."
"Without a sample of the poison, there is little I can do," Snape said simply.
"I might be able to find a sample," said a female voice from the shadows of Snape's office.
Harry jumped as a witch he had never seen before in his life emerged from the darkest corner of the office.
"Professor Anglia, where did you come from?" Draco said in surprise.
Professor Anglia gave a chortle that sent shivers down Harry's spine for some reason. She was a tall, thin woman, young, with wavy brown hair tied up in a loose bun. On the outside she looked fairly normal, but her laugh was a bit unsettling for some reason, and her eyes glowed with mischief.
"What is it, Emory?" Snape said in a bored voice, turning to her.
"I said I might be able to find a sample of the poison. All Mr. Potter here has to do is show me where he was sitting when the event took place, and I'll be able to go down to the kitchens and ask the house elves about it," Professor Anglia said.
"Right," Harry said. He realized he had never introduced himself, and yet she knew his name. It wasn't as though it were too abnormal, though. He had noticed when her eyes flickered upward to the scar in his forehead when she looked at him.
"Good. Come on, then," Professor Anglia said, ushering them out of Snape's office.
As they led her to the Great Hall, Harry found that he wasn't sure where exactly he sat. Usually he just sat wherever Ron and Hermione did. "Er... Maybe around here?" He said uncertaintly as they reached the middle of the Gryffindor table.
"Seats 45-60, got it," Professor Anglia said. "I don't know how long it will take for the house elves to find and test your pancakes, so you may go. I'll alert Severus if I find anything." She walked briskly away, leaving Harry and Draco behind.
"Does she seem a little..." Harry trailed off. He didn't know how to describe Professor Anglia.
"You get used to her," Draco said. "She's pretty nice. A little crazy sometimes. She almost reminds me of..."
"Of who?" Harry pressed.
"...Nevermind," Draco said. "Let's go back to our room."

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