Part 2: Chapter 19

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Alright, next chapter! Finally! I did some brainstorming and I know how I want the ending to happen now, so hopefully the final chapter will be up not forever and a half later! The final chapter will either be one long post or two shorter ones, I'll have to see what's best to do when I finish it. In the meantime, enjoy this one!

The day that students were to return home, if they planned to, for the Easter holidays, Draco was a mess of nerves. He shakily boarded the Hogwarts Express with Harry the following Saturday, and Harry knew he was in for a good few hours of trying to comfort a nervous wreck.
Draco was quiet for the first few minutes, pulling out a book to read, but Harry could see that his eyes were staring down blankly instead of reading. "Draco," he said finally, knowing he was committing to hours of persuasion and reassurance, "it'll be fine."
As he expected, Draco looked up at him incredulously. "You don't know that! I should've never agreed to this, Harry, I don't know what I was thinking..."
"It's not good for you to worry about this for the entire trip," Harry said. "Let's talk about something else."
He brought up Quidditch, and once Draco conformed effectively to the conversation, they spent a while chatting about it. Ron and Hermione joined them in their compartment not long after. Ron had been a bit disappointed that Harry was not spending the holidays at the Burrow with him, but he understood the situation. "Of course, I've never gotten serious enough about a relationship to meet the parents," he had said, successfully prompting Draco's nerves to return. "Lucky I've had relationships at all, really..."
Finally, they felt the train begin to slow down, and Harry, pleased that they had successfully distracted Draco for the length of the trip, gathered up his bags and followed the others out onto the platform. He could see that Draco had tensed up when they got off the train and shakily began looking around for his parents. He could tell he had found them when Draco gave a quiet, shaky intake of breath. Harry opened his mouth to give him some more words of comfort, but Draco molded his facial expression into a brave one and marched toward his parents, dragging Harry behind him. "Hello, Father," he said confidently.
"Draco," said Lucius pleasantly. "And Mr. Potter."
"No need to be so formal," Draco said plainly. "Call him Harry."
Lucius eyed his son with an expression Harry couldn't quite recognize. Then he turned his eyes back to Harry. "Harry," he said in the same pleasant tone.
"Er... Good to see you, sir," Harry said untruthfully.
He glanced, for the first time, up at Narcissa Malfoy. He had seen her only once before, at the Quidditch World Cup, where her expression had been the same smug look he had seen so often on Draco's face. Now, she looked more tired and worn, and there was a tiny trace of fright in her eyes. Harry could tell she had noticed the tension between her son and her husband. Draco looked up at her, giving her a significantly fonder look than he had given his father, and she hugged him gently. She gave Harry a polite smile, and then turned to lead them towards the exit of the station. Lucius walked by her side, and Harry and Draco trailed behind them. Harry tried to catch Draco's eye, but Draco was focused straight ahead, marching forward with purpose.
When they arrived at the manor, Harry looked up at it in awe. "This place is enormous," he breathed, looking around at the property. Draco smiled at him and led him inside, his parents following.
"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Harry," Lucius said when they got inside. "Draco, I assume you'd like to show him around?"
Draco nodded and pulled Harry over to a hallway as his parents went the other direction. "See, they seem perfectly nice to me," Harry said, his voice lowered.
Draco shrugged. "Don't speak too soon. We haven't even been here a day. But anyway, unless you care about seeing a lot of empty guest rooms and drawing rooms and such, we can just skip to seeing my room if you want."
Harry nodded, and Draco led him upstairs and down another hallway before entering one of the doors in the wall. "Sorry about that," Draco said, pulling out his wand, flicking it, and making  the clothes on the floor fold themselves and fly into a handsome wardrobe in the corner. "I keep forgetting we don't have a house elf anymore."
"Was that nonverbal magic?" Harry said. "I can't do that very well."
"Oh, well, I'm not wonderful at it either, but I've been practicing this spell to try and get myself to clean up once in a while. I can teach you," Draco said, a pink tinge appearing on his cheeks, "if you want."
Harry smiled. "I think you'll be a good teacher."
He was right. It took them an hour or so of practice, but eventually Harry was able to flick his wand and clean up the room without uttering a word. They had fun messing up the room again each time the spell was successful. Harry was mostly glad that he had distracted Draco from worrying about his father. After they had decided they were finished practicing, Harry leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Draco's lips. "Thank you."
"I didn't do anything," Draco said, smiling.
"Thank you for being my boyfriend." He kissed him again, a little longer this time. "And for teaching me the spell." He kissed him a third time.
"What's gotten into you?" Draco chuckled.
"I love you," Harry smiled.
"I love you too." Draco leaned in to kiss him this time, but as soon as his lips brushed against Harry's, his mother's voice called "dinner!" and he jerked away from Harry in surprise. "Sorry. We need to go eat."
"One more kiss," Harry said, taking his face in his hands and kissing him hard one last time before they went down the stairs to dinner.

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