June 20
dear Em,
i have no words. literally. i'm completely okay. it's like everything changed when i met you and Austin. everything changed when you left.
and then when i met Addison.
and then, the day of me and Austin.
an us. not just a him and a me. or a you and i. it's a we now.
and as for the changing. you aren't here for me. i am not there for you. and i can't really say whose fault that is. since both of us have moved. just one of us farther. i've gained a new best friend since you left, gained a boyfriend even. but. i never stopped being your friend.
even if we never talk,
cry with
or see.
i still believe that if you came back.
we could.
you could be my friend. start over. sorta. forget the you stopped being my friend and i kept on yours. you are the person i am basically most comfortable with. and i wish, that you hadn't given up so easily. i kept fighting. begging your mom to let you stay. keeping myself from you distancing myself.
because it was obvious you wanted to go. and it wasn't your fault.
dear Em
Teen FictionEm is gone. But is being written to. But by who, who is this persons name? Will they be reunited? These are the things we lost.