DON'T NO 23: Poor Grammar

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This is the main and most discussed point on help books all over the internet. The proper use of grammar and how it can ruin a story if not paid attention to.

I will not go very deeply on the correct use of grammar and punctuation because this isn't school, it's Wattpad. But I will point out a few common errors that are found on writing where grammar and punctuation is not paid attention to.

"I won't say anymore on this topic." With that last sentence Harry stopped caring for Hermione.


"I won't say anymore on this topic." With that last sentence Harry stopped, caring for Hermione.

Notice how the meaning of words can easily change by the addition of one single comma.

Similarly, a slight error in grammar and punctuation can give a whole different meaning to your words and you won't even realize where you went wrong.

Also the case of you're and your, were and we're, there and their, hear and here is extremely annoying when misused.

I can understood that for most of you here on WP, English is a second language and it is not easy to get everything at your fingertips.

Please make sure to pay attention to what you're taught in grammar. Or rather consult someone to help you with it. There are many online classes which explain and teach the proper use of punctuation and help in improving grammatical skills. You should check those out.

Take help from your books and many people also advise downloading Grammarly to cope up with the common errors but I haven't used it yet so I'm not so sure about that.

But you can try it and let me know if it was helpful.

And make it a habit of revising whatever you have written at least twice. Read carefully then reread and minimize the mistakes you can find.

I'm sure this will be very helpful.


Also there are some readers commonly called the Grammar Police and believe me when I tell you, you will not want them reading your book if it has grammatical errors. They will make it their mission to pinpoint the errors every single time they see them.

I myself have never encountered any such reader but it's better to give your best so that there are way less chances of your work getting negative criticism.

See you with the next update.

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