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The book we are going to review today is Succulent Kiss by AleesyaRidz

Now first these are the basics.

Now first these are the basics

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Book Name: Succulent Kiss

Author's account name: AleesyaRidz

Main Characters: Amethyst Goldstring, Neville Longbottom, the Golden Trio, Rowan Avery and a few others.


A seed has been planted in the Wizarding World and from that the darkness is growing. With the return of Lord Voldemort, all Amethyst Goldstring wanted to do was go back to her happy place. But she can't; Voldemort is not someone you can escape.

Back for her fifth year in Hogwarts, there's an obvious gloominess hanging over the school and it's not just because of Voldemort. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Dolores Umbridge, seems to be trying to take over the school and gives Amethyst an uneasy and suspicious feeling. Amethyst is determined to find out as much as she can about the the professor to use against her. Amethyst isn't alone in her animosity towards the teacher and rebels with the other students in Dumbledore's Army.

But after an extremely terrifying incident in the Forbidden Forest that leaves the muggleborn hospitalized she realizes that something strange has happened to her and there's no turning back. Hopefully she'll be able to become one of the heroes that she's always wanted to become.

Chapter Count: 10 and ongoing.


Now let's get on with the review!


1. The Title:

The title must collaborate with the theme later on though I am not so sure of it already as I have gone through only the first few chapters.

2. The Cover:

The cover is simple but looks very cute. It is the kind of cover which suits a story of lighter theme.

3. Concept:

The story is based on Amethyst Goldstring and her days at Hogwarts. It also focuses on the Muggleborn's struggles after Voldemort gains power.

4. Review (includes Summary too):

The story starts from a prologue in which there's an introduction to Amethyst and focuses on the day she has to go to Hogwarts for the first time. The prologue includes a nice description of the events that happened at Hogwarts Express, the Lake and finally the Sorting Ceremony. Amethyst is sorted into Gryffindor.

From then on the fanfic proceeds to five years later when the Order has been reestablished and everyone has moved in to the HQ for safety purposes.

What I think:

The fanfic deals with the aspects of war and terror that rose up after return of Voldemort. The author has taken even minute details into account and has delivered the whole story with great effort.

The writing style and the vocabulary is excellent and the characterization is on point. Especially the portrayal of Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin is totally how it should be.


If you are looking for a story that focuses on the war looming ahead, the Order of the Phoenix as well as the student's efforts of helping the good side and making it out alive, then this is the book for you.


AleesyaRidz I had a great time reading your fanfic. It is aworth reading and very entertaining. Not only did I love all the characters but I also appreciate all the effort you have put in it in terms of research and skill. Amethyst herself is a lovely character written just as beautifully as the rest and I love how you have paid attention to the details, no matter how small they were. Looking forward to read more of it soon. Best of luck and keep writing in this amazing style of yours.

 Best of luck and keep writing in this amazing style of yours

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