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Virgil's Point of View:

Tonight was the greatest night of the year.

Well, it should have been.

Since it was Halloween we all decided, besides Logan he was outvoted, that we should play some games. Nothing to bad like Monopoly, just some light hearted games. How truth or dare fit into that category, will be a question I will hold til I die.

It was later in the day when we started to play the game that shall not be named. It started off small, people having two give up a small piece of candy to another or having to do a silly task that confused everyone. Then things escalated a bit.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Roman mumbled.

Logan snickered uncharacteristically. He'd just dared Roman to eat an entire stick of butter, and of course, the prideful prince could not back down from the disgusting dare.

Patton giggled, "Now now kiddo. You were the one to choose dare. It is fair play."

Roman just flopped onto the empty couch groaning about a stomach ache.

I rolled my eyes, looking at Thomas. "I think Princy is out of commission at the moment. Which makes it your turn to ask someone."

"Oh no, you don't you emo nightmare." Roman groaned from the couch. "I'm well enough to ask a simple question."

I smirked, "If you're as well as you say you are, then ask someone."

Roman sat up with an evil smile, "As you wish Jason Toddler, truth or dare."

I know I should have thought about this before I said it, but I wasn't in a thinking mood, I was in a look smug while winning mood.

"Dare." I didn't know I could regret one word so much.

Princy's smile grew large enough for me to immediately regret everything. "I dare you to let me choose the costume that you'll wear the rest of the night."

Once those words were spoken my heart stopped.

"You you want to what?" My voice was hesitant with a painfully obvious stutter.

Roman smirk grew even more, "You heard me Dr. Gloom. Now come with me."

With that Roman drag me into his room, stomach ache completely forgotten. He put me behind one of those the medieval changing room things telling me that he had to grab the perfect outfit for me. I hoped it would have been something completely corny like Jake Skellington or a ghost. But no what he came back with was a million times worse.

He walked behind the changing thing holding up a bear costume. It wasn't even a scary one! It was a short sleeved bear onzie with mittens, boots, a hood, and a zipper.

My face was burning, "Ro-Roman, I-I can't wear that!"

"Why not my Chemically Imbalance Romance? You chose dare and this is the dare. Now put it on." He shoved it into my hands before walking out of me view.

"But-I-" I could feel my face grow warmer.

"Don't you remember what Patton said?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Yes bu-" That was all I could say before Roman cut me off.

"But nothing Virge. You chose dare, now you must face the consequences."

I hate it when he's right. I sighed and stiped down to my black boxers and started to put the outfit on. Once I finished with the main part I realize that it didn't have pants. It was shorts, thigh length shorts. I could feel panic start to rise as I slipped on the boots and mittens.

"Roman? I-I'm finished." I didn't want to step out from behind the barrier. It was like a wall stopping the on coming chaos but I had to. I took a deep breath hoping to calm my heart rate down and stepped out.

Roman took one look at me and squealed. "Oh my goodness! Virgil you look absolutely adorable! You need to where this more often!"

I looked down mumbling about how I looked ridiculous. With that he threw my hood on causing a completely manly squeak to force it's way out of my mouth.

"Come on, the others will want to see." I tried to stop him but he didn't listen to me, he just grabbed my arm and started to drag me down the hallway again.

He stopped right before  everyone could see us and turned around, "I almost forgot!"

He conjured up a yellow bandage right below my knee. "Are you ready?"

I avoided his eyes, my face warm and my body shaking like a leaf.

He must have noticed this because he started to whisper, "Hey. You look absolutely adorable. No one is going to make fun of you, and if they did I will stop them. You don't have to worry." With that he pulled me into a hug.

It was quick but it helped a lot. When he pulled back I felt a little better. I was still avoiding his eyes but I nodded.

"Okay." That was all I whispered. I spared a quick glance at Roman's face to see him smiling before my eyes ducked down to our hands grasp together.

"Let's do this."

Roman let go of my hands and walked into the room, getting everyone's attention. "Ladies, Lords, and Non-Binary royalty, if you could turn your attention to towards the entrance to see the now adorable edge lord."

I took that as my cue to walk in. I took a deep calming breath and took a few steps forward, into the light of the living room. I didn't look at any of them, I kept my eyes towards my feet trying to hide the blush that cover my face.

I heard Patton make a very high pitched noise before launching himself at me. He gathered me in a quick hug before pulling back and going on a ramble too fast for me to comprehend.

The others laughed as Patton gasped for breath.

"Um, are you okay Pat?" I asked with slight concern in my voice.

He nodded, a huge smile gracing his face causing me to give a smaller, shy smile.

I turned towards Logan and Thomas, who were both smiling kindly at me. Thomas was the first one to speak.

"I gotta say Virge, I wasn't expecting this but you look great in it." I smiled bashfully and looked at Logan.

He stared at me before speaking, "You're to precious to process."

I looked down the almost faded blush returning with full power. I heard Patton giggled before making our way to sit in the spots we sat in before.

I was smiling until I heard a camera go off. I looked a Patton to see his phone out with a smile.

"Sorry kiddo but this is going in the scrap book."

I did nothing but groan and hide my face. Maybe tonight wasn't that bad.


*Throws phone* Done!! Sorry about the ending I didn't know how to end it. Thanks for all the support I've gotten!! Until the next chapter!! Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!!

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