Trans Virgil

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Virgil had been avoiding everyone for a few days now. It was a normal thing for him to go to his room and stay there for hours on end but he hasn't come out in three days.

Everyone else was slightly fearful for him. What if something had happened to him? Maybe they did something wrong and he was avoiding them now? So many thoughts ran through their minds they were getting headaches. Is this what Virgil felt like all the time?

"We need to at least check up on him!" Roman was currently pacing up and down the living room of the mind palace.

Patton shifted uncomfortably on the cough, "I'm not sure kiddo. I don't want to barge in on him." He looked up at Roman. "I mean, it is his room, he should have the right to privacy."

"He has had privacy though. He has been in his room for three days not coming out once, of our knowledge to eat or talk to us." Logan had a very thoughtful look on his face, as if he was thinking over the positives and negatives of going into Virgil's room.

"Well yeah but still." Patton paused. "It's still his room. He should have some privacy."

Roman smiled, "Oh don't worry Padre. We are just going to see if he's okay. We aren't going to invade his room."

Patton looked between Roman and Logan and saw that he was beat. He sighed and gave an uneasy smile, "Okay."

"Excellent! Now on word!" Roman exclaimed holding his sword high.

"Let's do this." Patton said still unnerved about the idea.

They made their way through the hallway. Roman stopped, pulling Patton back into reality. He turned and saw Virgil's black and purple door.

"Are you sure that this is right. I don't want to intrude." Patton sounded unsure. "What if we just wait for him to come out?"

"Patton it would be highly illogical to turn back now." Logan concluded.

"Stop worry dear daddy. We can handle the emo nightmare." Roman smiled, shaking his head at the nervous father figure. "Now! Let's see what has kept Mr. Panic at the Everywhere in his room for so long!"

Before Patton could say anything against it Roman throw open Virgil's door, but they didn't continue in like they normally would have. No. They stopped.

Looking into his room they see Virgil frozen on his bed, his shirt and jacket off, lap covered in his dark comforter. Chocolate was next to him along with a heating pad. They all looked back at Virgil taking in a little more of the youngest. They all see something they didn't expect, a galaxy styled binder and a terrified expression on his face.

They were all in different states of shock. Why didn't he tell them? They could have helped him.

All of them were deep in their minds, until they heard quiet, shallow breathing and someone's muffled sobbing. All of them were brought out their thoughts at once.

"Shoot." Logan mumbled running over to Virgil who was now hiding under his blanket. "Um, it's okay. Nothing to be upset about."

The other two sighed, Logan was never good with emotions, and walked over to Logan and Virgil.

"Virge?" Roman said with a quiet and gentle voice. "Can you please come out? We aren't going to do anything, we just want to talk."

Beneath the blanket Virgil shook his head frantically. He had to get his breathing under control. He needed air, but he couldn't get any with out coming out from his comforter. He couldn't face them. They were never supposed to find out about this.

He began to pull the blanket in tighter, hoping it would suffocate himself. He was succeeding until he felt a gentle hand pull the blanket off the top of his head revealing his messy hair and makeup less, now red and tear stained, face.

Still gripping his blankets, he kept his head down making sure they didn't see anymore hoping that it could possibly lessen the disgust they felt towards him.

What he didn't know is that no one felt any disgust towards to him, no matter how much he thought they did. In fact they felt the opposite.

They felt joy.

Virgil was always a closed up person. He never told them what was wrong and he barely opened up. When he did they held tight to the knowledge they gained from him, no matter who it is.

"Virge. We don't care that you're trans." Patton paused, waiting for Virgil's reaction. "We will treat you the same way we treated you before."

Roman nodded along with Patton's statements, " He's right Virge. Many of Thomas' friends are trans and even more are genderfluid or nonbinary. We see no reason to treat you any differently than we have in the past."

"You are apart of our family Virgil. Nothing will change that. We would like to care for you, all you need to do is to allow us." Logan cut in.

Virgil looked up, a million 'what ifs' running through his head. He gazed at his little family, a tear a falling every now and again, and mumbled, "You don't hate me?"

Everyone's heart seemed to shatter at those fear filled words.

Before anyone could do anything, Logan placed a palm on Virgil's cheek lifting his eyes to face them. "We could never hate you."

He climbed into the bed, careful of all the chocolates and the heating pad, and embraced Virgil. Not a second later Patton and Roman joined them cuddling up to the rest of their family.

Logan's hand was stroking Virgil's hair, "We love you Virgil. Never forget that."

"I-I love you too." Was all he whispered back before he fell asleep, surrounded by his family.


And done!! I'm sorry that this is terrible!!

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