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Logan's Point of View:

It started off as a normal morning. I had woken up at an optimal time and completed my morning routine.

I walked downstairs fully expecting to see Patton cooking everyone a meal, this usually consisted of heart shaped pancakes or waffles with a side of eggs, bacon, toast, or fruit, only to find the kitchen dark and empty.

I paused and looked at the clock to make sure I wasn't mistaken about the time. Seeing that is was, in fact, seven thirty, my puzzled nature did not leave me.

I mumbled to myself, "This is peculiar. Patton is usually awake at this time."

I moved towards the fridge, removing the orange juice and grabbing my favorite constellation mug  from the cupboard. I poured the substance into it before returning it to the refrigerator.

I grabbed my mug and started to sip from it, my thoughts drifting to the silly father figure. He always seemed to find his way in my mind. I can't get him out.

I then realized why. I pulled out my phone and searched the reason to why someone would be stuck in a persons mind and came up with multiple mental disorders.

"I guess I should have worded that better." I mumbled to myself.

I erased my search and put in 'constantly thinking of someone else' and clicked on the first link to come up. I quickly read the first sentence to find that my symptoms come down to having a crush on him.

My eyes were wide as I shut off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I shook my head slightly trying to get that reasoning out of my head. "I can't have feelings for Patton, there's no sound logic to it."

I grabbed my mug and finished the rest of my orange juice. Quickly realizing that I wanted more, I grabbed it from the refrigerator again. Just as I stated to pour it Patton walked into the room.

"Good morning Logan." He yawned. He began to move through the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients you would need for the morning.

I looked up from my cup to him, ready to return his greeting, only for the words to get caught in my throat. He was wearing his cat onzie and his hair was still a mess from sleep. He looked way to cute.

I only realized that I was staring at him when my orange juice overfilled my mug.

"Shoot!" I instantly stopped pouring the juice and tried to clean up the mess before it went over the counter.

"Logan, are you alright?" I let my eyes fall on Patton once again. He was turned towards me, a bowl of waffle mix still in his hands.

My face burned, "I-I am. I just miscalculated the amount of space in my cup."

"Oh," How did he always sound so light hearted? "In that case, let me help you."

He grabbed a couple paper towels and started to mop up the mess that, some how, made it onto the floor.

I didn't risk speaking for the fear of what I would say. I gave a little to quick hum and finished cleaning up the excess orange juice on the counter.

I don't know how much time passed but it was a enough to get Patton worried.

"-gan? Logan? Are you there?" My mind was brought back to the situation and I saw Patton staring at me worriedly. "Are you sure you're okay. You've been a little out of it."

My face's temperature rose more as I refused to look at him. I took a deep breath and asked a simply difficult question.

"Ca-can I, can I kiss you?" Was all I could squeak out.

I heard a small yes please before I put my lips against his as gently as I could.

He was taken aback but it at first but quickly relaxed and pressed back gently. As we pulled apart, I felt my face grow hotter.

I looked at him through my hair. He was smiling his most precious smile.

"So that's what why you were acting weirdly." He giggled, "I love you too."

I smiled a small smile before he pulled me into another kiss. Everything was great until I heard a whisper.

"Called it Roman. You owe me ten bucks."


Tada!! I know it's shorter than the others but....yeah I've got nothing. Thanks for the support guys and until the next chapter. Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals! Peace out!

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